Holiday Giveaways 2020 – Superfly Game by iello / Loki


I love dice games and also enjoy ones that introduce unique components. Superfly from LOKI (an imprint from IELLO) checks both of these boxes! Not only does it incorporate fly swatters into the game, but each one also has a compartment with a die built in! You may have heard some buzz about the game in our guide to family games and possibly already picked up a copy from Amazon to gift this holiday season! Don’t let this opportunity fly away… enter to win a copy using the form below!

Holiday Giveaway 2020 – Superfly Game

16 thoughts on “Holiday Giveaways 2020 – Superfly Game by iello / Loki

  1. I’m a fan of the First player token from Zombicide–a plastic skull I named Bob after the character from The Dresden Files….

  2. I can’t think of any games I’ve ever played with a strange component! I have heard of a few, like this one that you have to stick something in your mouth to make it stay open.

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