Holiday Giveaways 2020 – Sagrada: Life Game by Floodgate Games
What’s better than a beautiful dice game? One that gets upgrades to give it new life and longevity. This year’s list of card and dice games to gift included Sagrada: Life, an expansion to Floodgate Games‘ Sagrada. This prize is only for the expansion so if you win, you’ll either want to have access to the base game through a friend, or snag a copy when there’s a board game sale at Target. But you don’t need to worry about that unless you win which you can’t do unless you enter. It’s free and super easy!
Not yet, but it’s on my must have list!
No, but I’d like to.
This is the first that I am hearing of this game.
Looks interesting
I have not played Sagrada yet but I would like to.
Not yet, but I’d love to give it a shot!
Haven’t gotten to play Sagrada yet but it’s on my wish list.
no, this is the first I’ve heard of it, but now I’m interested.
.I love stained glass.
And I’ve been fortunate enough to have seen the new stained glass being added to Sagrada Familia (which is what I assume this game alludes to).
No I have not played it.
I gave never played Sagrada before, what a unique game! It looks like a lot of fun though. My kids and I play games all of the time and I know they would enjoy this one too. We will definitely have to get it!
Yes, just the base game. A fun puzzly game
I went to a board game café with my fiancée to try out a few games, Sagrada was one of them. We ended up selecting a different one, but it remains on our shortlist of games to get.
I have played and absolutely love it. It is in my top games. After years of waiting after the initial play, I just got it for Christmas this year.
No, but it looks interesting!
Twice I’ve played, and I won the first time I played.
No but I am willing.
I own it physically and digitally on switch. The digital adaptation is absolutely gorgeous
I haven’t played Sagrada yet.
Yes I have, but only once! Need to try it again.
Yes of course — need the expansion to share with more family!!!
I have never played Sagrada
I haven’t yet played Sagrada, but I would like to.
Never heard of it!
No haven’t tried it yet
I haven’t played yet and need to win it to roll all those dices
Not yet, but it is high on my wish list!
No, I haven’t played it before-but I’d like to!
Yes I have! It is quite fun
no-not yet
I have not played Sagrada as of yet but would love to win and give a game review!
I am new to this game
Who won?