Holiday Giveaways 2020 – Break in Alcatraz Game by PlayMonster


Escape rooms are a lot of fun and it’s been cool to see the many different ways that game publishers have brought the concept to the game table. We’ve tried several and have always enjoyed the experience, even when we’ve failed. PlayMonster released Break in Alcatraz and incorporated an expanding 3D game board. If there’s a puzzle aficionado on your holiday shopping list, sentence them to Alcatraz! You can enter to win a copy for yourself by doing (minimal) time filling out the form. The more you do, the better your odds of winning!

Holiday Giveaway 2020 – Break in Alcatraz Game

34 thoughts on “Holiday Giveaways 2020 – Break in Alcatraz Game by PlayMonster

  1. I’m a big fan of escape room games…I like the Exit and Unlocks, as well as other various ones (e.g., Escape Tales’ The Awakening). We usually win!

  2. I’ve never had a chance to do a real one, but we had a good deal of fun with one of the Unlock! Adventures….

  3. Pretty bad experience at the escape room, through no fault of the game.

    My parents told me to meet them at Breakout for the game. So I googled the location, and waited for them to arrive. Turns out my parents reserved the breakout room at Mastermind Games, not a room at Breakout Escape Games which was clear across town.

    I just went home. They couldn’t even get me to the escape room, what hope did they have of getting me out of one

  4. I did an actual escape room once a few years ago and we won! But not by much… I have been eyeing the at-home version. Thinking about giving on a try.

  5. I actually never tried an escape room before, but the sound very thrilling. Definitely something I would enjoy.

  6. I haven’t played an escape room game, so this one sounds really interesting and probably a good place to start.

  7. Sadly, I have never got to try an escape room. 🙁 I want to so badly though and it’s on my bucket list! The ones around here are just so expensive. I have played a bunch of escape room video games and a couple board games. I think I’m quite good at solving the puzzles and working my way to freedom!

  8. Ive been to an Escape room twice. First time was pretty easy and we got out with plenty of time. The second time it was really hard and we did not make it out but it was lots of fun. Never tried a game version of it.

  9. I haven’t done one yet. My friends and I had one planned, but that fell through for other reasons. I’m very keen on these types of games though!

  10. I love the escape room games. Hard to say we fail, as we can usually get through, but get varying amounts of star ratings.

  11. With the help of whichever group I’ve been in, we’ve always managed to win. I find escape rooms to be a lot lof fun and a great way to get together with friends and family.

  12. I have played one in-person escape room and a number of print-and-play Unlock escape rooms. I have to say, I am usually pretty good!

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