Holiday Giveaways 2020 – Zoned Out Game by Grey Fox Games

Over the summer, we should have been traveling, attending game conventions and enjoying the weather. But we decided to be cautious and stay safe. It gave us a lot of time to play games, that’s for sure. For a short part of that time, we were playing different types of city building games such as Zoned Out from Grey Fox Games. You’ll see it show up here again in an upcoming gift guide along with other suggestions of games to gift for the holidays. While you wait for that list, read our article about how to play Zoned Out. If it sounds like a game that would be good for someone on your shopping list, add it to your shopping cart then enter to win a copy for yourself!
Sitting in front of a screen for too many hours… :/ :/ :/
In 2020? Doomscrolling!
Staring off into space
I think of being lost in thought and unaware of what’s going on when someone says “Zoned out.”
When I hear Zoned Out I think of staring into space, not zoning rules of a city!
Being in a class that is not interesting to me.
I think of someone who’s body is in the room but their mind is miles away.
I think of staring into space, which I do all the time.
When I hear “zoned out” I think that someone is not paying attention or in their own little world or “zone”. Sounds like this game is completely different however. Looking forward to trying it out!
Lost in thought .
Somewhere over the moon & on another planet.
Living in my own world.
When I hear “Zoned Out” I think of someone seemingly watching something but their mind is somewhere else.
Living in my own private Hell!
Spaced out
Being unengaged.
falling asleep
Zoned out = the brain numbness that causes you to be there, but like not really be there.
Smoking a blunt.
When I’m zoned out I’m either thinking about nothing.
Oops.. or thinking about everything.
The term “zoned out” is usually applied to me during the last hour of my shift at work
Not paying any attention to where they are is “zoned out” to me.
Looks great
Wayy too tired!
Zoned out makes me think of being deep in thought about something.
Sitting in history class, haha!
Definitely thinking of staring into space right now.
I think of staring into space
Staring at my phone or tv seeing nothing.
Work. I think about work…..