Holiday Giveaways 2019 – Power Rangers Prize Package From Renegade Game Studios

To round out our day of amazing giveaways on Thanksgiving, we’re offering up a prize package from Renegade Game Studios. This Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid bundle includes the base game, an expansion, a character pack AND a villain pack!
Admittedly, the Power Rangers were just a tiny bit after our time, but have enjoyed a resurgence over the past decade. That’s why we’ve included it in our Gift Guide of Games for Teens & Adults. If you have a child of the 00’s in your home (or an even bigger child of the 90’s), then you’ll want to enter this amazing giveaway below!
Holiday Giveaway 2019 – Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid Bundle
I like Jungle Fury because he is the only Purple Power Ranger and purple is my favorite color.
Green/White Ranger. Tommy had a cool ponytail.
Pink ranger because that’s my favorite color and she did awesome gymnastics
The red ranger because t-rex
I just like the color blue so that is my favorite.
Black, coolest suit
Blue was my favorite for the color. My older brother liked the red one.
I don’t know the Power Rangers. I do know that some of my grandkids like them. I like the BLUE Ranger. TY
Green – he was evil for a little while
Pink because it was my daughters favorite
I liked the pink ranger because she was always sarcastic like me!
Tommy, for crossing generations.
Pink. My daughter loves her and was super cute dressed as the pink ranger for Halloween.
I, personally, don’t have a favorite, but one of my nephews likes the Blue Ranger while the other likes the Red Ranger.
green for the color
Blue, because blue is always best 🙂
Red is awesome!
Black, because of the color
Pink ranger because she is awesome
Pink… Because pink rules!
My favorite is the pink power ranger because it is my favorite color
Red because my son likes him.
I’d have to say the sassy, pink one! Sass gets us places!
Green ranger was my fav
The Pink Power Ranger is my favorite. She represents all of the strong women out here.
You got to love the pink power ranger, strong as well as athletic!
Pink she is cute
Funny story on my oldest son. He wanted a yellow power ranger one year for Christmas. He was adamant he wanted the yellow one. My sister went to store after store after store trying to find a gender neutral yellow power ranger. . . That was about 10 years ago Thankyou
pink power ranger
Pink is my favorite!