Just Add Glue Science Kit Giveaway

We’re constantly discussing ways to incorporate education into family entertainment. While the most obvious answer for us is to find an educational board game, we also recognize that sometimes that doesn’t offer the best hands-on experience.
We’ve provided DIY STEM projects and STEAM gift ideas, but sometimes it’s nice to have unique ideas available on the shelf for a rainy day. Griddly Games offers a variety of science kits as part of their “Just Add” line including Just Add Glue which you can enter to win right here!
I remember making pot holders with my friends.
I remember making wreaths with my grandmother out of sandwich baggies for everyone in her church.
I remember trying to make clothes for my dolls, not very successfully as it turned out.
Making puzzles
Making candles, and not just normal candles, but different molds, scents, and types uch as sand,ice, etc.
I remember knitting little blankets for my dolls.
I remember making a pinta once from paper mâché.
We did some decoupage on some boxes at 4H camp that turned out pretty awesome.
I diorama of Don Quixote I did for 5th grade.
I make a magazine holder in high school.
When I was young the parks use to have a little shed that you could buy art projects for a quarter. I would buy the yarn set that you could make an octopus out of and there was always someone there to teach you how to make it. I use to have so much fun doing this.
Making those bead things that you iron and then they make shapes and pictures. I don’t remember what they were called, but SO COOL!
making mud pies
My most memorable childhood craft project was making holiday theme crafts with my grandparents
lots of fun!
the apron I made myself
eight grade science fair laser project
making a house out of popsicle sticks