BarBEARian Battlegrounds Game Giveaway

One of my favorite fictional characters is Winnie the Pooh and I have a stuffed Pooh from Disney that is among Madison’s keepsakes. Kennedy has a teddy bear from my childhood who looks like Pooky from Garfield. I see bears and I automatically think of how cute and cuddly they are but then came BarBEARian Battlegrounds and I realized I had to think more strategically with these!
This dice game from Greenbrier Games is more than a game that uses dice, it’s also a worker placement game! We have a copy of the game that we’re giving away and if you want to win you need to enter!
Whenever I hear the word “bear”, the first thing that pops into my mind is something I read on the internet (I haven’t actually this researched for factual accuracy):
Early peoples believed that the spoken word had a sort of magic to it. They thought that simply uttering the name of something aloud, could make it appear. Because of this, they had a word for “bear”, but they never used it, instead coming up with a word that roughly translated to “the brown one”. Supposedly, the original word for bear was lost to history due to lack of use.
I think of Winnie the Pooh when I think of a bear.
Teddy bear. 🙂
Up North – In the Woods
A book about OCD called, “White Bears and Other Unwanted Thoughts”.
I think about Grizzly Bears.
Oski Bear, Cal’s mascot
I usually think of Smokey the Bear, but today I immediately thought Winnie the Pooh because i just watched the recent movie.
I think of brown bears. Maybe Grizzlies.
I think of Smokey the Bear.
Hanging the food in a tree while camping
Cute and fuzzy!!!
Big Bear Chase Me!!!
Grizzlies and sun bears
Steven Colbert, and how much he was afraid of bears.
A big, brown grizzly bear
Bear Whiz Beer – Firesign Theater
I think of Smokey the Bear
Love the review!
I think bears in the woods.
Rawr! and other bear noises
I thought of Winnie the Pooh
I think of a cute animal.