Dragon Pets Game Giveaway

Pets can be such high maintenance. Ask our kids. They learned how hard it is to train a puppy! It takes time and dedication, patience and a lot of love. But as we explained in our Dragon Pets overview, not every pet is such a huge commitment.
These don’t require that you clean up after them, require baths or need to be fed. But you DO have to play with them! I’m talking about Dragon Pets from Japanime Games and you can win one (the game, I mean) by entering right here!
My dream pets are cats and dogs – no exotic animals for me.
My dream pet would be a male lion
A Yellow Labrador Retriever
I always thought having a pet flying squirrel would be cool.
My dream pet is an Alaskan Malumute dog.
I would want a red panda!
I’d love to have a pooka.
Though”own” is probably not the best word, the intelligent cats in Jim Butcher’s Aeronaut’s Windlass are awesome…
My dream pet would be a panter.
A lil pot bellied pig would be my dream pet.
A terrarium filled with frogs, chameleons, etc.
Musk Ox(en) on a little farm….. does that count as a dream pet?
tasmanian devil
A Unicorn, what else?
My dream pet would be a white tiger.
I would love to own a pet monkey 🙂
A pseudodragon. Smaller and a bit easier to care for than a full dragon.
My dream pet is a Tiger.
I would like a unicorn!
rabbit I think
I would love to have a panda bear!
a unicorn