Blob Lobber Game Giveaway

Have you ever been stuck in a waiting room or waiting forever for your dinner to show up at a busy restaurant? We featured several compact games in our list of stocking stuffers this holiday season because if they’re small enough for a stocking then they should fit easily in a purse or pocket!
One on that list is good for kids as young as 6 but also can entertain a group of adults during happy hour. Blob Lobber from Steve Jackson Games fits the bill for all these things and is affordable to boot. You can enter to win a copy of the game right here!
I’ve felt like that at the airport before…. also frequently at work.
Daily commute.
In my university.
When I am bored or going somewhere in our vehicle,
Waiting for grandkids to get out of school.
When I am babysitting my little grandson I could use some time to kill.
Work. Seriously, it’s either slamming busy, or dying of boredom slow.
Dr Office Appointments
When we go back East to visit kids and grandkids, we always stay i a hotel so this would be great for those babysitting days while we are there!
I would say waiting in line.
in the airport