Iquazu Game Giveaway

3D games aren’t new to market, but they’re definitely becoming more than a glorified version of Connect 4 or Jenga. Last fall we shared our Dragon Tower overview which not only is a cooperative game but also utilizes a 3D board.
Today’s giveaway prize is another 3D game from HABA: Iquazu board game. With gems and a waterfall AND the 3D board, you can’t go wrong! Those are some of the reasons you’ll find it on our list of family games. Give HABA a shout-out on social media to let them know what you think of this game then enter to win a copy.
I haven’t played any board games that are truly 3D, but I have some that have nice big 3D components like Everdell and Photosynthis.
to paraphrase Frank Sinatra:
“3d games? I’ve played a few, but then again maybe too many to mention”
well, here are some I consider 3D
Connect 4
Ker Plunk
Tetris Link
Not many. Upwords is the only one that comes to mind….
That’s a hard one….maybe mousetrap, jenga, and operation.
Jenga & Connect 4
I can only think of 3D puzzles at the moment, but I am sure there must have been other types.
Squashed 3D Strategy Board Game
Love to win this.
Rhino Hero
I have not played any. I am sure I will At some point in the future.
Battleship & Mountaineer are the only 3D games I can think of.
Star Trek’s 3-D chess.
3-D chess, Santorini, GIANT Rhino Hero
Sword Crafters
Beats of balance
Jenga is the only vertical game that I can recall playing.
I have played Jenga, maybe Break the Ice is one.
Attack on Titan
My favorite 3D game right now is Rhino Hero.
Jenga and connect 4
I have played Jenga, Connect 4 and Battleship.
Do Battleship and Connect Four count? If so then them!
Hmmm, no board games that were 3D, just other games like Jenga, Don’t Rock the Boat, but I don’t thihnk those count.
Mousetrap and Jenga are some of my favorites!
I have played Jenga.
Jenga and Bandu
I have not played any 3D games, but my granddaughter has and she loves them
Have played Jenga and stuff like that but no 3D games this looks like a lot of fun thank you for the great opportunity as always
I haven’t played any board games that are 3D,