Mega Giveaway Day 130 – BRIO Light and Sound Fire Truck

Let’s step away from electronics for a minute and get back to basics with classic toys that encourage imaginative play. The BRIO Light and Sound Fire Truck is a good example of the kind of toy I grew up with – except it has more bells and whistles! Maybe it will even encourage the next generation to strive to be the heroes we looked up to when we were kids. Check out this and other toys for young kids then enter to win the fire truck in Day 130 of our Mega Giveaway.
150+ Days of Giveaways – Day 130 – Brio Light and Sound Fire Truck
I was all about being a doctor
An aviator
I wanted to be a veterinarian.
No. I wanted to be a veterinarian.
Yes. I wanted to be a police officer.
I always wanted to be a nurse.
I always wanted to be a cop
My grandfather was a Fire Chief and for a while I wanted to be one as well.
Did not want to be a fireman, maybe a doctor.
I wanted to be a teacher and I was always reading to the kids in the neighborhood.
I don’t remember wanting to be a firefighter, but my niece wants to be one.
I wanted to be a doctor or pharmacist.
I wanted to be a nurse since I was a young girl. I did finally go to nursing school many years later.
i wanted to be the next person to revolutionize the computer age
Not really, but I would so love to be one right now at 38.
No. I wanted to be an Olympic gymnast.
I wanted to be a doctor
I wanted to be a doctor and a mom! One of them came true!
I wanted to be a fireman like my dad !!
To be honest, I was obessed with checking the mail and wanted to be a mailman lol
I wanted to be a vet, but now I’m a doctor!
No I wanted to be a park ranger or a archaeologist.
I wanted to be a teacher when I was a child.
No, when I was really young, I wanted to be a beautician.
No, I always wanted to be a Gymnastics coach. Gymnastics was something I enjoyed doing when growing up and wish I would have stuck with it. I miss it so much!
I wanted to be a teacher or a doctor. I did become a teacher,,,and my son became a doctor
No I did not want to be a firefighter or hero. I just wanted to be a singer or dancer.
No, I was pretty traditional (also consider that this was WAY before the increase in gender equality for employment). Planned on going into nursing, and actually did so.
I didn’t really want to be a ‘hero’. I wanted to be a teacher.
I was in the Sparky’s Fire Department Club in school and wanted to work in the Fire Department when I grew up.
No, I wanted to be a veterinarian or a teacher.
No, But I did want to be a meteorologist / storm chaser since I was 5! I haven’t made it that far but i am a local storm spotter for skywarn.
I wanted to be a Vet or a teacher.
I wanted to be a nurse
I don’t remember personally wanting to be a firefighter but I just found a note from pre-k where I wrote I wanted to be a firefighter
I wanted to be an astronaut. That didn’t really pan out.
No, I didn’t want to be a firefighter or other hero when I was a kid.
I wanted to be a teacher but never diid.
I wanted to be a Vet!
Yes, I think I wanted to be several of those jobs: the fireman, the policeman, even the milkman. LOL.