Mega Giveaway Day 68 – Castellan Game

We have an idea for you. Instead of worrying about vacuuming up a bunch of little bricks while building a castle, how about you make castle-building a competition?! Steve Jackson Games has opponents working together to build a castle while strategically trying to be the person who scores. We featured Castellan in our list of 2-player games, but it can be expanded to accommodate 3 or 4 players by purchasing a second game that utilizes different colors! We’re happy to be able to get someone started on the castle-building experience by giving one away as number 68 in our 150+ Days of giveaways.
No, never really visited any ‘real castles’ I visited a historical mansion they called a castle in Florida on my honeymoon but really that was just a marketing move.
Yes, in Carlisle England.
No, closest I got was Castle in the Clouds in New Hampshire.
no, I have never visited a real castle, I think that it would really be neat to visit one.
I have never visited a castle before but it is on my bucket list.
I wish I could visit a castle an old stone one they history is amazing
Would love to visit any castle in Scotland!
Yes, in Scotland in 2015.
Id love to visit the castle in england
Visited castles in Germany during a river cruise…great experience!
Blarney Castle in Ireland
Yes I have. When I was younger I went on a tour through Canada and we visited two castles.
Never visited a current castle. I visited ruins of some royal strongholds in Peru, and the historical fort I visited in Puerto Rico was called a castle, but never was intended to house royalty.
Heidelberg in Germany. Biggest Keg Ever.
I have never visited a castle and I’ll love to.
I have never visited nor did I ever want to visit
We visited castles in Italy and Switzerland. Truly amazing! For not having all the machinery, tools, architectural means, these buildings are still standing and beautiful!
The tour was worth it!
I would love to visit any castle, anywhere.
I have always wanted to visit a real castle. My family was in england when I was born and they really enjoyed it. I would like to go back there someday and visit some of the castles that they went through and Buckingham Palace and Sandringham.
No. I have not visited a castle.
No but have googled some neat ones in the UK
I would love to visit a castle anywhere as long as it was a real castle
I’ve only visited the Disney variety so far, but would love to see some real ones some day.
I don’t know if a “castle” in Toronto built in 1911 counts.. but Casa Loma is the closest I’ve been to a castle
I have never visited a real castle.
I would love to visit a castle! Especially some of the ones in Scotland.
I’ve visited Thornewood Castle in Lakewood, WA.
I’ve never visited one. I’d love to visit the castles in Scotland.
No, I have never visited a castle but I would love to
I would love to visit a castle anywhere
I’ve never been to a real castle but I think it would be fun.
Does Disney World Count?
I have visited numerous castles in Germany
Several castles in Germany and Italy
Yep! When I was 11 I went with my aunt on a bunch of tours in London! Well, not exactly sure if they were castles… I think I went in the tower of London. Still cool.
In Germany
I’ve never visited a real castle, but it is a dream of mine!
Never been to one but would love too
More than my fair share! The Moorish castle in Sintra was my favourite!
I have not been to a castle besides the kind at Disneyland! HAHA! But I’ve always been fascinated with them. I love watching historical shows and period pieces and wonder what it would be like to actually be inside one maybe in Ireland or England.
I have certainly never wanted a castle, but I have seen some.
Yes, In Germany!
Yes I have visited Wilsons Castle here in Proctor Vermont
Never visited a castle but would love to!
The first castle I visited was Osaka Castle (Japan).
Yes, lucky enough to have visisted several in Russia, Thailand, Spain, Germany and a few other countries.
Yes, in Germany.
yes,in Ireland
I would really like to visit some of the historic castles in Europe.
we did visited several castles in Germany
I would like to visit a castle.
No, I haven’t. 🙁
No, I’ve never visited a castle, but I’ve liked them ever since I was a child. I’d love to visit the castles in England in particular.