Mega Giveaway Day 63 – Mad Libs Game

When my girls started bringing home the order forms from Scholastic, my childhood flashed before me. When I was a kid, we had the opportunity to purchase through the schools and one of my favorite things to buy were Mad Libs. Unfortunately, they were only available through the junior high order form so they would frequently arrive home having been “tested” by my brother and his friends on the junior high bus. To this day, I remember the stories they created more than I remember my own. Alas, times change and while the books are still available, it was a fun surprise to see it turned into a party game by Looney Labs! We featured Mad Libs game when it released and again in our guide to party games. One lucky reader will be able to create their own Mad Libs memories with the Day 63 prize in our Mega Giveaway: Mad Libs game,
It has been a very long time since I played regular Mad Libs, but I have played this game a year or so ago and loved it!
I don’t remember; I know it’s been a long time
i have never played but would love to.Thanks for the chance to win.
It has been years since I filled out a mad libs form….lots of fun and fond memories!
Probably 12 years ago.
I have never filled out a Mad Libs form?
About 6 years ago maybe? My niece was about 4.
Maybe just a month or so ago. It came as part of our Netflix rental lol I had my wife give me the words. It was so much fun! Brought back old memories!
I have never filled out a Mad Libs form
Last weekend!
I think the last time I filled out a mad libs was when I was like 16 lol. I’m now 35.
At least two years ago.
The last time I filled out a mad libs form was last year when my family got together at valentines day to play games.
I have never filled out a Mad Libs form
A few years ago during a long car ride with my brother and sister in law.
Probably within the year
About 6 months ago. Sometimes we mess around with them at work for a fun atmosphere.
I’ve not played before but would love to with my family
At least 15 years ago
I don’t remember it has been that long ago.
I was probably 9 or 10 years old.. so many, many moons ago
During the annual Christmas visit with family!
Its been years; which is waaaay too long. I loved these as a kid, tears would come from laughing so hard
Probably 3 years ago
I don’t even remember the last time I filled out a Mad Libs!
I can’t even remember the last time I played.
I have no clue to be honest.
Have always loved Mad-Libs! It’s been far too long since I’ve played, though 🙁 Probably more than 15 years!
The last time I filled out a Mad Libs form was probably 30 years ago. Yikes! I do remember having a lot of fun with those Mad Libs books as a kid.Thank you for the chance to win.
It’s been a long time since I played this–I think the last time was in 2003 when my son was 8 years old. Thank you for the giveaway!
My little brother got my fiance a Mad Libs book for Christmas this year.
last summer
i dont even remember!
A couple of years ago.
we are doing it almost every night as a going-to-bed tradition with our kids
It has been probably 20yrs since we have done mad libs, Looking forward to doing again if I win!
The last time I filled out a Mad Libs form was probably twelve years ago.
I cannot remember the last time you filled out a Mad Libs form.