Mega Giveaway Day 92 – Catch the Fox Game

The fox is in the hen house! The only way to save the chickens is to scoop them up when the fox’s pockets (say that 10 times fast) get overloaded causing his pants to drop. We shared Catch the Fox from Goliath Games as a good game to introduce preschoolers to the world of board games. Fortunately, you don’t have to be a preschooler to enjoy this one!
Catch the Fox is the Day 92 prize in our 150+ Days of Giveaways! Don’t forget that you can return daily for additional chances to win.
No I’ve never tried to catch a chicken 🙂
No, but I love chickens!
No I haven’t caught a chicken and never will. I’m too old, but I watched Rocky catch a chicken
I grew up on a small hobby farm and was active in 4-H and yes I have tried and succeeded in catching a chicken. It’s not hard once you learn to anticipate they direction they’ll go and get a good cornering them technique. LOL It’s been years though, we haven’t built an egg laying coup in the suburbs!
Yes I have. Lived on a couple of chicken farms and would get out there when the “chicken catchers” as daddy would call them and help till I was exhausted.
No, calves but not chickens!
I never tried catching a chick!
No, I’ve never tried to catch a chicken. I imagine that I would probably look hilarious attempting to though!
Yes I lived on a farm for a short time when I was younger. I had to catch a few yes!
I have caught chickens!
nope, never had a chance
No, but I love to eat chicken.
Yes, we had pet chickens in the past and so catching them was necessary when they got out 🙂
No, I’ve never chased a chicken.
No, I haven’t.
LOL!!! No, I have tried to catch birds before and that was hard enough.
Yes, I have. When I was younger though
Yes my Dad raised chickens, so we tried and did catch them many times.
No way!
i had them so i had to catch them a few times
Yes, I’ve tried to catch a chicken many times on my aunt and uncle’s farm when I was little.
No I have never tried to catch a chicken. I watched my grandfather try to catch a rooster once. It was hilarious at the time because I was a kid. LOL
No, I have not.
No, have never felt the need to catch a chicken.
I have never tried to catch a chicken, but my mom and grandma use to.
Yes, actually. When I was a child, my parents used to raise Rhode Island Reds for the fresh eggs. Perhaps because they were raised by us and we were always gentle with them, most were quite easy to catch and some even seemed content to be held and gently petted. Thank you for the chance to win.
I must admit that I am a bit afraid of chickens so have never even tried to catch one.
No I haven’t! Thank you for the giveaway!
Born and raised in the country, yes. In fact, for my brother’s birthday one year there was a game, where you had to hold the chicken’s tail and “steer” it to the finish line, like 15 feet away. As I recall that was a lot of fun!
No I have never tried to catch a chicken
Yes, I have.
My first job was catching chickens.
No I’ve never tried to catch a chicken!
No I’ve never tried to catch a chicken
Never tried!