Mega Giveaway Day 52 – Ultimate Showdown Game

It’s almost the end of 2016 and who would want to spend that time battling? We would! But not just any battle… the Ultimate Showdown. Thanks to R&R Games, it’s the day 52 prize in our 100+ Days of Giveaways.
We featured Ultimate Showdown in our Party Games Gift Guide and think it’s a perfect way to usher out the old year and ring in the new one. Drop a note to R&R on Twitter or Facebook and voice your opinion about who you think would create the ultimate showdown.
Superman and Batman
chuck norris and lou faregno
Relic Hunter – Christien Anholt
Tomb Raider – Lara Croft:
Jesus vs. the Hulk. “Thou wouldst not like me angry.”
Bruce Lee vs. The Pedator
Spawn vs Kratos
Sherlock Holmes VS Jessica Fletcher
Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump.
Hulk and The Rock
Tom & Jerry
ALF and a pickle.
Nathan Drake vs Indiana Jones!
I would like to see Super Girl and Bat Girl.
Superman and Batman.
to me it be bugs bunny and elmer fud
Superman vsBatman