Mega Giveaway Day 35 – ASUS Transformer Mini Giveaway

Tech. Let’s admit that it’s one of the best gifts we can not only get but also give. Intel has a range of types of products in a variety of price ranges so if you want to find a gift you know your recipient will love then check out Intel’s options.
And the only thing better than giving or receiving an Intel product is winning one! One lucky winner will receive an ASUS Transformer Mini T102 powered by an Intel Atom Processor!
Of course, don’t forget to support our sponsors such as Intel for providing a prize in our Mega Giveaway. Give them a shout-out on Facebook or Twitter to show your appreciation.
100+ Days of Giveaways – Day 35 – ASUS Transformer Mini T102
The kids would love it.
Me! It’d be great to have a new laptop so I can do some game design on the go!
I’ll be honest, I was a bit disappointed when I discovered this was not in fact a robot.
My Wife is due in a couple of months. I am sure she will get more use out of this than I would. (Assuming I get a turn with it at all)
I’d probably use it for university!
My son in a junior in High School and would get good use out of it.
I would use this for work
I would be most likely to use this Intel device.
It must be mine!
This would be for my oldest son, who is in high school. His school allows kids to bring in their own devices to do school work on and this would be perfect for him.
well me of course
I would be, obviously 😛
Well Actually I would be using it the most, but because when my mom wants to see Netflix I’m the one who set everything up, and when my cousins want to skype my grandma guess who receive the call 🙂
I’m pretty sure I would use it the most.
I am the one most likely to use this device, I would LOVE it!
I think I would be the major user of this device as my desktop computer is getting slow and old.
I would be fighting with my wife to use this
Need a portable laptop so that I can take it with me when I’m travelling…
I would give this to my son.
My grandson
My husband would use this the most
to me
I could definitely use this! My laptop is getting pretty old and I’m going to need a new one soon. Thanks for hosting this giveaway! 🙂
I would be the person who would use this the most in my family! I have a pretty long train commute every day to work and then home again, and I could get so much done if I had this device with me!!
i would use it
All 3 of my kids would use this laptop for homework assignments and I am sure my son would have some gaming fun as well.
Me and my brother most likely as we both work on code such as Python and would be great to have on the go to write, and be able to test it in-game as well.
My daughter would be the primary user. She is needing a laptop more and more for her schoolwork.
I would definitely use this the most
In my family my sister would most likely to use this for her work.
Will replace my current laptop
The kids would use it for homework
My 17 yoa son would use it quite a bit, I’m sure. Thanks.
Me myself and I hahaha
My dad would love it!
I’m the tech-guy at my house So I’d be the one sing it.
My daughter for homework, and writing.
I would use it as a laptop computer for when I’m on the go.
I woul duse this the most, but I could see myself lending this to my parents when they go on geocaching holidays.
I would most likely use it! I’m in college, so I could really use this for my classes!
I am starting a new business in 2017 and this would be just perfect. Thanks for the chance. Merry Christmas!
My 7 year old daughter for the programs she uses at school. They give us logins so the kids can do the activities at home too 🙂
I think we’d give this to our college student. She has an older laptop that is slow and is starting to have some issues.
Me since my laptop doesn’t even close anymore :p
I’ll say I would use this, but the reality is the wife and kids would while I’m at work. 🙁
I would probably use it the most
I will be using the Asus if I win. My brother is a gamer and need much more power than I need for what I do. hahaha…don’t touch my laptop!!
My daughter and myself would make great use of this prize
I’d probably use it the most. I’d be most excited about being able to stream my Xbox One to it while laying in bed.
I’d want it for me, but my kid would probably use it more often
It would be a toss up between my wife and I, though the kids would use it off and on as well. Having a spare machine that has a touch screen would help keep them away from our laptops we use for work.
I would be the most likely person in my family to use an Intel device!
I would definitely be using it.
I am most likely to use it the most for gaming at a local card shop with card games, board games, and D&D
My wife
oh way kewl .. and its Intel inside … dreamy prize that I would gift to hubby.. he would be SO surprised … he would never expect such an amazing gift … tyvm for hosting the 100 days…. luving sharing and entering each day …. tyvm for all the hard work you have put into this for your adoring fans… <3
My partner would love a new laptop.
All me
My brother since he is into coding websites such as and various releases
I would probably be using this most.
Me and my doggo lol!
My wife 🙂
She really likes portable things like this!
I think I would have the most use for it!
I will use most definite mine died
My 2 teenage boys.
Me and when the time comes, my son will have it
I would be the one to use this! No sharing this one!
My son is most likely to use this Intel device because he will be starting college soon.
I think my son and I would both get use out of this. Thanks for the opportunity and Happy Holidays.
Me! It’s an important tool especially for a homebased work like mine.
My 10 year old grandson Devin, would benefit so much from a laptop. He does not have one & this child is so bright, well-rounded, & loves to be challenged! He is missing out on on much right now. He’s such a good kid too. I appreciate the chance to help my darling grandson out!
I am most likely to use this!
My daughter, Karina, who is in high school would definitely benefit from this awesome tablet the most and I can use it when she isn’t 😉
I would be most like to use it because i’m keeping it if I win.
I’d use it for myself and the kids could use it for homework
My grandchildren would take turns using this the most.
I am most likely to use this device.
My husband, he is about to go to school and I am sure he would love this! It would be even great for just Skyping him when he has free time so he can see our two kiddos a little more often.
That’d be me. I want to try my hand at self publishing a book. I need a laptop!
Of course Myself
My Son for sure!
I would love to have it! I would use it for sure. Thanks!
My sister would be using this the most. She needs a laptop for the college.
I’ve got grandkids in high school and college that could use/need this helpful device!
I would use it the most.
I am most likely the one to use an Intel device. Thanks for the chance!
I want for my great nephew he needs for work for now I take him to public library would be great for mind like sponge wanting to learn
I want for my great nephew he needs computer for. School work for now I take him to public library would be great gift for mind like sponge wanting to learn
it would most definitely be for children aree little young
my son
I would love for me! Easy and perfect . I love it!
Me. I love windows devices!
I will be using the intel device.
My son.
My husband has been looking to get a computer for my kids so while I’d normally say “him”, we would give tit to the kids.
Besos Sarah
Journeys of The Zoo
I would be most likely to use this Intel device
I would be using this device and passing on my old laptop.
i would be cause i home school and this would help out alot
I would be most likely to use this Intel device. Thanks, but would share with my husband
I’m most likely to use but I will also let my son use it. I want it to keep up with homeschool and “work” when we aren’t at home. This looks like it would be perfect!
I am sure I would use it the most for sure! I have to have a great working product for the work that I do and having an Intel would sure fit the ticket. Thanks so much 🙂
I am the guy with the thing for somebody going to a place at a certain time.
I would give it to my wife. I already have an Asus laptop and she wants one of her own. I let her use mine but she doesn’t like having to share.
I would most likely let my middle schooler use it for school. They have to do all their homework on line and submit it each night through the internet. She has already sent one wrong thing attached to the teacher–something on a personal file of mine.
My husband and myself would be the ones to use this. Although I would end up using it the most I am sure.
I would love to win this giveaway.
This would mainly be for myself, but I’d share it with my hubby and family too.
Of course it would be mine!
I’m in love with every electronic device with windows!
If I were to win this, I would trade this with my son who has commandeered my Dell, I could finally get it back. Thanks for a great giveaway!
I would defiantly be the one to use this prize, mine is getting old and I could use it.
I’d love to win this for myself! Everyone else in my house has a new computer but me!
Me and the wife.
It would be for my wife.
I would be the most apt person in the family to use this item. I am the techie of the house. I’d have to walk my parents through the use step by step for absolutely anything they wanted to do lol. I’d prefer to just keep it and use it myself
Probably me, I like to use the computer to enter sweepstakes and watch youtube videos.
I would definitely use it the most, although I may let my sons borrow it.
I would let my foster son use this, he would be so happy!
I would use it myself
My son would use it most
I have been using my phone for 3 years now. I really do need this
I Would Be The One Using This. Mines Very Old.
I would use it most. I let the kids (4 & 5), beat up the old ipad 2 & 3.
This highly needed electronic would likely be used by everyone within the family, each of us would use it for medical related reasons, to clear out due to the limited space within our residence! Now with the luck of winning this would be used by each of us daily in that of marking each of our blood pressures, medical results, Rx List, reminder of upcoming appointments and much more!
Accurate & consistant this would offer that of an aid to medical staff if / when paramedics take us to the ER so doctors can be informed of our medical history of the present. The machine I’m presently using doesnt even have a printer or that of all the software that comes with a normal computer, as this is a machine that was put together by parts – so owning a new machine would bring back those memories from when I was in college; with hopes that I could help others!
I would probably use it the most… but then, after me, it would be the grandkids. I would allow them to use it. They are here A LOT and always love to play on any computer or tablet. So it’s a treat to let them do so.
My husband would be the one to use it most often, he’s the most tech savy or “thinks” he is!
My daughter. She needs it for school.
I would be most likely to use this Intel device.
I am the one here in my family that will most likely use this.
it would have to be me I have some knowledge of using this
I would be the one enjoying this!
Me! I need a good lap top.
I would be using it.
My husband would use it the most.
I would love this for myself or for my kids.
I am most like to use it for my work
My sister for her school researchs.
Hubby and I would probably share this device! We just have an old laptop! Thanks for the chance!
My son would mostly get the most time on this!
The easier question would be who in my family would NOT use it as that answer is easy: my 17 year old daughter. As far as who would use it, let’s see, my husband, my 15 year old son, my 11 year old son, my 9 year old daughter and my 8 year old daughter would all fight over it right out of the box. The short of it is I would use it but would allow my 15 year old son to use it for homework so the little ones aren’t fussing about him hogging all the computer time.
I would be the one to use this the most.
i would use it the most but we would say that it is my husbands! bwahahaha! LOL
My husband!
My niece! She needs one so badly! She has just started getting on line and loves but is in desperate need of a new laptop or tablet. Anything really LOL
If I were to win I would be the one using it most of the time. My husband would probably use it as well whenever he has a chance.
I’ll be the one using this if I win. I’m about to start a new business venture and this will be helpful
The person in my family most likely to use this device is me, me, me! My kids have tablets and I have an ancient laptop that is bent and I can’t move the screen anymore because they broke the hinge. I spent hours taking the whole thing apart and getting out all the broken pieces rattling around in there. Now it’s just warped. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
If I own this Intel Asus laptop, I’ll be the person who’ll use it. I am currently without any laptop as my Apple MacBook Air 2014 ditch me and current trend of Apple doesn’t look good, I am coming back to Non-Apple device.
I would use it
Wow! I would use this when on the road. So many responses.
That would be ME!
My son would use this for games and educational things
I would use it. I am the only one that likes this platform.
I have to say who would use this device would be my husband since his died thanks
It would be used by me. I have given every laptop away to friends or family and I’m down to a phone. It would be so welcomed ♡
want to get my husband a very nice 56th anniversary present and this would be great for him.
My daughter is the one who would use it the most. I would love it for following recipes, too.
My husband would be the person to use this the most!
it would be me to use it the most
Love this must have!!!! Pick me!!!!
I have a fairly new laptop so if I win I would give this to my husband.
This will be MINE!!!!
Thanks for the contest.
I am a single mom of 4 teenagers, money is limited so we would all share it and be extremely happy to do so!
my mom would use the intel. i know she would be the right person.
The person in my family most likely to use it is me. Mine’s decided to glitch here and there (different brand), but it’s old and I use it a lot, so it’s to be expected. The one I’m on now would go to my youngest if I won. Pretty sure he’d think I hung the moon if he got this one, lol.
I would be the one to use it.
I would be the one to use it cause I’m having to use my phone
I am most likely to use this device. I really do need one.
I would be the one using it…..and maaayyybe I would let my husband use it once in a while. 😉
I would be most likely to use this Intel device
I would use it.
I am the only one who would use an Intel device in my family.
Me. I would use it the most. Thanks for the chance to win a awesome prize.
I would most likely be the one to use this!
I would be most likely to use this devise right after ny son explains it to me!
My roommate probably. He is the only one in the house without a computer so I would give it to him.
I would use it more
I would use it myself for sure!
I would use it because my computer is on its last leg…..
The person in my family who is most likely to use this Intel device is myself. Thanks for the fantastic opportunity to win!
Myself and my granddaughter are most likely to use this device.