Poop Card Game Overview

It’s has been an ongoing debate on the internet as to the meaning of that brown, triangular-shaped emoji. Don’t ask me why, but Kennedy has long been fascinated by it and regularly points out the paraphernalia whenever she sees the brown emoji at a store or for sale somewhere online.
She’s so amazed by it that she entered a contest to win a whole bunch of it at Gen Con. As such, she now lays on it, steps in it and has it cover her head. Does she think it’s ice cream? Not likely since she met Blaise Sewell, the guy who brought it to Gen Con to promote his game.
It’s poop, people.
The emoji is poop and so is his game.
Now, before you get your panties in a bunch, I’m not disparaging his name nor creation. Yes, we have come across several games we are not fond of, but that isn’t the case here. His game is literally Poop.
It’s funny to say and funny to play and your kids will get a kick out of the fact that the family is playing a potty-mouth game. No, not swearing. Just a lot of talk about toilets and farts and flushing and… poop. If you’re curious whether your kids can play it the answer is yes. While it has variations targeted more toward adults, the base game is very family-friendly. If they can grasp the concept of Uno, they can play Poop the Game. It’s a card-based game published by Breaking Games where the goal is to be the first to get rid of everything in your hand. First person to empty their hand wins.
At the beginning of each round, a toilet card is placed in the center of the table. Each toilet card displays the amount of poop that it can hold before it overflows. Players take turns relieving themselves (of poop cards) ranging in amount. As in real life, nobody wants to be the person to overflow the toilet so do what you can to hold back the really big loads, err cards, that are going to be the final blowout.
Thankfully, there are ways to remove the mess. You know, flush it. When a 3rd card of consecutive color is played, that person flushes the toilet and replaces it with a new one. Every other player is required to draw an additional card. If that sounds too easy, don’t worry. There are different variations of the game that make these types of tasks a little more difficult to accomplish.
There’s more to the Poop The Game than just dropping a deuce in the toilet. We all know there’s a right and wrong direction to the way the toilet paper is hung. Wild cards are included to give the game even more variety and one of those is a reverse card represented by the roll. Other wild cards require players to act out or sound out certain actions on their turn. I’m not a fan of these types of juvenile actions, but since we’re playing Poop and laughing, it’s kind of the least juvenile thing happening.
While the subject matter is silly, we’ve found that sometimes you need to play a game that doesn’t require a lot of strategizing and this one fits that bill. As a bonus, the game includes a variety of alternatives to the game to make it more difficult or more entertaining. One such example is the drinking version. One of the most intriguing things about the game is the available paper bag. It’s designed with shipping in mind so you can ship a bag of Poop to a friend… or foe.
Poop The Game takes about 15 minutes and accommodates 2-5 players. Add the separate “Poop The Game: Party Pooper Edition” to increase the number of players up to 10. You can pick up a copy of Poop The Game, Party Pooper Edition or the Brown Bag Combo on Amazon or grab the combo direct from Breaking Games for $20. Check out some of the other Breaking Games products we have featured. You can also learn about the other creative and entertaining games in their lineup by visiting their website or checking them out on Twitter or Facebook.
When was the last time you relieved yourself with a game?
Oh my goodness. This is the kind of thing my son would love.
This looks like it could be a lot of fun. I especially appreciate a family-friendly version. Thank you for bringing this to my attention as I have 3 little girls. As they reach the age to be able to play this they will enjoy it I am sure.
Too funny. Looks cute to play.
This definitely sounds like a game most young kids would love!! As for the adult versions–well I think I will pass!!
My Goddaughter just bought a poop cushion, shaped like the emoji. I was a little shocked at first but I must admit it is kind of cute! This game sounds like a lot of fun for kids – not sure how keen I’d be on the adult versions but they might be fun too!
My Kids Will Get The Biggest Kick Out Of This Game Can’t Wait To Buy!! Sounds Like The Kids Will Be Laughing The Whole Time Playing It!!
Nicole, you are cracking me up!! I have 30-something friends that would think this game was the funniest thing ever – this could actually be a great gift. I actually just gave my friend a poop-shaped plushie toy for her birthday. Hahahaha!!
LOL my son would definitely get a kick out of this.
Oh my gosh, now there’s a game about it!!! My son is a emoji poop wanna be….NOOOOOO
Hilarious! We’all probably need this game eventually. My toddler already laughs each time he toots haha
I just added this to a shopping list for my son for Christmas. He’s 8, loves card and board games, and is the typical 8 year old boy – poop is funny. He’ll love this game!