Trying to Defy the Wrinkles

The other day I was tucking Miss M into bed and, as usual, she had her radio on so she could listen to the nightly countdown while powering down for the night. “All About That Bass” by Meghan Trainor was playing and without even thinking about it, I started to sing… and dance. I simply couldn’t help. You see, I’ve always been a huge fan of 50’s and 60’s music and that song has a very retro feel to it. It brings me back to my college years when “oldies” were my favorite tunes to listen to.
As Miss M pleaded with me to (1) stop singing and (2) stop dancing in her bedroom, I was torn between the feelings of my youth and the realization of my real age. Translation: I’m getting old.
Lucky for me everyone once in a while I’ll meet a digital friend in person and they’ll be surprised by my appearance. Apparently not everyone thinks I look 44. Yay me. That isn’t going to last forever so I’ll take it while I can get it.
In the meantime, I’ll continue to use products that help me ward off the signs of age. Whether these products are really making a difference or not, I’m not positive but I certainly FEEL like they are. That’s a huge part of the solution. If you feel younger and you have more confidence, it projects outward in everything else you do. At least it does for me.
Recently, I started using Anavita Anti-Wrinkle Cream and as with the others I have tried, kick myself for not starting to use it when I was younger. It’s a moisturizer in addition to an anti-wrinkle cream and my doctor has told me that many of the cysts I develop are the result of under-moisturized, non-elastic skin.
The silly part is that it isn’t like the products are all over-priced which is kind of why I never used them. Okay, not kind-of. It’s completely why I didn’t. All the anti-aging and anti-wrinkle products I had looked at were at drugstores and mass merchandisers. I didn’t see a stigma associated with using them. I let the price scare me away before ever giving them a shot. In hindsight, I realize that it was short-sighted of me.
When I tried Ageless Derma a few months back, I was amazed at the results and happy with the product. The price, however, was pretty comparable to what I would expect anti-wrinkle products to be. After using Anavita Anti-Wrinkle Cream for a few weeks, I realized it reminds me a lot of Ageless Derma but is available on Amazon for about half of what Ageless Derma costs. Would I buy Ageless Derma again? Definitely… if it went on sale. Anavita is a great alternative at a more economical price.
Now let’s set aside the price and talk about the product itself. When it comes to beauty products, price is always a concern but the deal breaker for me has to do with sensitivities. First and foremost, my skin is sensitive and I react to many products. This one didn’t cause any reaction at all. That’s a huge plus. Second is the scent. I can’t stand heavily floral or perfumed products. Ack. My nose cringes and my head starts to hurt. Anavita didn’t have either of those issues. While it did have a scent, it was simple. I can’t place the fragrance though… it just smells like a basic lotion. The texture is thick so application is easy with little waste. It applies easily and absorbs well.
Overall, I found Anavita to be a pleasant product at an affordable price. Certainly something worth trying out – especially if you are concerned with the price of anti-wrinkle products. For more information on Anavita Anti-Wrinkle Cream, check out their updates on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.
Do you use any kind of moisturizer?
I have turned 50 so I am beginning to worry about those little lines around my eyes and mouth. This sounds like a great product to help me with that.
I’m 28, and I’ve started to notice fine lines around the corners of my eyes, in my dimples (which I didn’t have before age 27 – weird). I have extremely sensitive skin, too, so I’m intrigued by Anavita for that reason.
I have more wrinkles than I wish I did! I will have to check this out, because I need a wrinkle cream that is not too expensive.
I am as old as dirt. OK maybe not but some days I feel like it. I wash my face and use a good lotion and havent used a lot of the wrinkle creams. I am not entirely sold they do much of anything- personally I think it is genetics some look older and some look younger and some is environmental and how well you take care of yourself- avoiding sun, drinking water etc.
It looks like a nice product though!
No No No NOOOO I will NT talk about wrinkles… I can’t be that old yet :-(… BUT since you started it.. I guess I have to check it out since it’s affordable and it did work for you, your skin looks awesome… Thanks for a great review and letting me know about the deal on Amazon
I am 64 and until I lost weight didn’t have any wrinkles at all. My face is still in good shape-a couple of creases on my forehead and my eyelids have drooped–it is the rest of my body–I now have crepe like skin. Like you I rarely if ever over the years used face products-I too have super sensitive skin. I too have tried out various creams, serums etc at the request of companies but would never think to buy them (yes, price is a major consideration to this semi retired lady). I am currently testing out some collagen pills–hope that helps where I need it!
I think my gram would love this. She swears by creams and the thicker the better. At 81 years old, she has the nicest skin I have ever seen. I personally don’t like the feel of anything on my face and never leave creams on long enough before I end up washing them off.
I will have to check into this product and give it a try. I have very sensitive skin so I usually forgo most products like this because it’s not worth it in the end. I like hearing that you had a good experience with it for sensitive skin.
What a great review, I have never heard of this brand before. I have very sensitive skin, too and loved that you had good experience with it. Totally have to check it out. Thanks for sharing
I know what you mean about kids rolling their eyes when you sing and dance. I always say you are as young as you feel and but it doesn’t hurt when you have products like this that make your skin look younger as well.
I love the irony of your photo with the wrinkled paper. I am all about the moisturizer for sure, ever day I put it on.