Children Should Be Able To Enjoy Summer

What does your summer typically look like? Ours changes each year as the kids get older. When they were little, summer was just another range of dates on a normal calendar. Nothing special. Some years, we travel a little while last year our focus was an extension of swim team netting a trip to the state meet to cap it off. This year, the kids have each been involved in camps, track team and music lessons. We make our own breakfasts and lunches then sit down for a healthy dinner as a family as often as possible.
Summer meals for us are pretty similar to the rest of the year. Never really a concern. I guess we’re lucky that way. During the school year, the church collects food donations from the religious education students to help with their “Backpacks with Snacks” program. They fill backpacks with a variety of snacks and foods then send them home from school with underprivileged kids (based on recommendations from the local police department.) The stories are sad about how bare the cupboards are as the end of the month nears. Those same kids are usually the ones with reduced or free meals through the schools. Unfortunately, when summer rolls around, those resources disappear or aren’t as easy for them. The number of kids who have limited access to the free or reduced price meals they receive during the school year is astonishing – something like 90%. So for those kids… summer meals are dramatically different than the rest of the year. Can you imagine what your summer would be like if you were perpetually hungry? How can a kid be a kid – running and playing and being care-free when they are lacking the most basic of needs.
But what is a child to do? Ask their parents for more food? It’s unlikely that is an option. That’s why ConAgra Foods is working on an initiative called “Hunger-Free Summer“. It is a program where the company gives monetary grants to Feeding America food banks to help fund their summer programs – in turn, helping to ensure that kids and families are not left hungry. This summer, 26 food banks in 18 states will use Hunger-Free Summer grants, funded by the ConAgra Foods Foundation – ranging from $20,000 to $50,000 – to expand their summer feeding program, bringing more healthy meals to more children during these difficult months. Each year, the initiative with Feeding America sets higher goals, too. The program – now in its fifth year – has supported the delivery of 3.8 million meals to children struggling with hunger over the summer.
My kids are strong, healthy, intelligent individuals. We often talk about important issues such as food, proper eating, healthy weight, exercise, money management and even philanthropy. Sometimes we discuss these things over dinner, sometimes while out and about, other times at bedtime. When the opportunity arises to open up the channels of communication with our children, we do. Having educated kids not only prepares them for future good-decision making but also gives them the ability to help others when they can.
As individuals who don’t have to experience those unwelcome hunger pangs, we can volunteer our time or make food or monetary donations to the local food pantry or to programs like the one offered through the church. However, we’re also able to help right from the comfort of our chair or at the touch and swipe of our electronic devices. From now until July 31st, for each view, like or share of this video, it triggers donations. How easy is that? A great message from an incredible spokesperson, Kid President.
Kids should be able to play ball, tag, four square, ride bikes, be creative with sidewalk chalk and do all the other things that childhood allows. Jump at the chance to support this great cause… Please take a few minutes to watch the video and share it.
For more information on this worthy program by ConAgra Foods, visit their website. Connect with ConAgra Foods on Twitter and Facebook.
Yes, I shared this (once again) after viewing that adorable video. That kid is some little actor! It is a crying shame that our Supreme Court (the men only you notice) worry more about putting money onto the pockets of privately held corporations instead of food into the mouths of children. Thank heavens some of the big corps are trying to help-no child should be hungry in the USA!
Yes, Michele, he is quite an actor. I’ve watched several of his videos and they’re not only fun to watch but he drives home a point. At least he has in every one that I have watched. Thank you for viewing and sharing the video!
A very important kids initiative! Thank you very much for sharing so I can look into the program a bit more.
It is so easy to forget there are hungry children out there when most of us sit home with a full belly. What a worthwihile Program this is and thank you for reminding us.
So important. Children are only children once and they should have the opportunity to enjoy their summer with full bellies.
It is shameful that in this day and age kids are still going hungry in this world. Great initiative to get these kids fed because it should be the standard not the exception.
ConAgra is such an amazing company for giving back. Hunger Free Summer is an awesome program and I just love the kid in the video! Your pics are too cute! Love the flying photo – priceless!
I watched and liked the video, and I shared the post. It’s a great initiative to share!
That was a great video.. it was funny and also to the point, and the point of view of a kid and how they see how hunger affects fellow kids..
I am glad that there is programs more and more out there that help the kids. I love the umbrellas the girls are holding. Thanks for showing awareness on this topic too.
Great shots! I agree children deserve a great summer, sounds like a great program.
What a great initiative – the summer lunch gap for low-income kids is a huge problem.
I never even thought about the fact that kids who receive meals at school may go without during the summer! This is a great program that Conagra is working on!
What a great cause. I will share the video too. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you so much for sharing this video and supporting the fight to end summer hunger in America.
Alex Donaldson
Feeding America
I loved reading this!Thanks for sharing such a fantastic cause! Children are so precious! Thanks for enlightening us all on this cause!
Of course they should!
Summer should be fun & I love the video!
No child should ever have to go hungry. I have shared this video on Facebook and G+.
Many thanks, Alana! It’s such an effortless way to help give back and I appreciate you going the extra mile!
It is a shame that children still go hungry here and it doesn’t get the attention it should. Thank you for sharing this program and helping spread awareness.