Recipe + Thoughts from a Juicing Newbie

In recent years I’ve come to look at food a lot differently than I used to. Don’t get me wrong… I still snack and indulge but I have a better awareness of what I’m snacking and indulging on. While becoming conscious of our eating habits, the one thing I have tried not to do is be taken in by the allure of fad diets. I understand there are health benefits to proteins diets, vegetarian/vegan diets, Paleo diets, etc but juicing diets have baffled me. One of my biggest takeaways from monitoring our eating habits, aside from portion control, is that you don’t drink your calories. However, many people struggle to take in their recommended amount of vegetables each day. With just about everybody I know on Facebook posting how awesome that green monster juice smoothie thing is, it got me thinking. If juicing is a way to take in more vegetables, how bad can it be?
I’ve seen a lot of recipes for juicing smoothies and they do look pretty good. So when the opportunity arose to review a juice machine I thought to myself “Sure, why not… Maybe I will find some amazing recipes.” I received the Big Boss Power Juicer and started my hunt for recipes that would fit my meal plan. My biggest concern was that I wouldn’t like them. Despite how much I enjoy vegetables I do have a little bit of a sweet tooth. I decided to try a recipe from the recipe book that was included with the juicer; something that was a cross between fruit and vegetable: “Cucumber-Orange Cocktail” It’s extremely simple. All it requires are three oranges and one small cucumber. We decided to add a large one because we knew we could always add more orange if we needed to balance it.
Cucumber-Orange Cocktail
3 Oranges
1 Small Cucumber
First you peel oranges…
Then you feed them into the juicer…
Finally, add the cucumber.
That’s it. What we ended up with is an orangish juice with refreshing hints of cucumber. We jokingly asked who wanted to try it first and the kids came running. Both yelling “Me!” Their comments and expressions after tasting it took me completely by surprise. They both sincerely liked it and even later asked what else we could make. I sampled it myself… My first time with this type of beverage… And was shocked at how much I enjoyed it. The cucumber flavor was stronger than I thought it would be but I liked it. Having a subdued orange flavor made me not drink it as quickly.
I decided that since the pulp contains fiber, I would try a spoonful of it. It wasn’t bad right like that! My mind immediate starting thinking of all the vegetable juice combinations I could make as well as ideas for how to repurpose the pulp into recipes. The recipe book that was included with the juicer offers a few ideas for using the pulp such as zucchini bread and carrot cake. Yum.
Since this is my first time using a juicer, I don’t have anything to compare it to. The instructions for set up and use of the Big Boss Power Juicer were pretty short. That’s because there’s not much to it; it’s very easy. In terms of use, it is quick. When I put the produce into the unit, I thought it would be like a blender and take a bit of time to process. It didn’t. It juiced the items in a snap! Enough for me to ask DH “That’s all there is to it?” The owner’s manual recommends lining the pulp collector with a plastic bag to make cleanup easier but honestly it wasn’t that hard anyhow. The hardest thing to clean was the mesh strainer part of the stainless steel blade/filter. It was only difficult because I am a bit of a klutz and if there is an opportunity for me to cut myself, I’ll find it. Didn’t feel like tending to trivial wounds today so I was extra cautious.
Is there a downside to juicing? Aside from taking up countertop space, I don’t really see one. Things I read online encouraged people to use their juicer primarily for vegetables and to eat their fruit normally. I wholeheartedly agree.
For more information on the Big Boss Power Juicer, follow them on Facebook or Pinterest. If you’re in the market for a juicer, check this one out on Amazon.
I have some ideas on how I would like to try juicing vegetables. What is your favorite juicing recipe?
Oh man… look at you getting all healthy on us. That is the way I live my life. What a great juicer/blender. This is a must have for anyone wanting to juice.
LOL Terry. Generally we eat healthy but this is our first juicer. I’m excited about making new stuff with it!
I have been thinking about getting a juicer lately. There are just so many benefits to it and it seems so easy to do.
I was surprised at how easy it was to use, Robin. Cleanup wasn’t bad either.
Hmm…I’ve been wanting to get a juicer. I’ll have to check this brand out. Thanks!
Space is what I do not have in my kitchen which is why I do not have a juicer. This orange-cucumber drink sounds yummy.
Wow! It does sound like a healthy, delicious recipe. It’s great to get the kids drinking healthy alternatives.
I think the hardest thing for me is the coloring of the juices.. they all seem to have this green to them. I do not give into fad diets either.. i know on my own i can lose the weight.. i just need motivation..
What a great flavor combo. Cucumbers are my fave! Congrats on your new toy. 🙂
I sadly don’t own a juicer, though I’ve been meaning to get one.
We had a bad experience with a juicer a few years ago and haven’t tried one since.
I’ve never tried juicing before except with an orange on those twisty things from years ago. This is a much better method!
I don’t have a juicer, but would love to get one. Thanks for the information. And, with a name like Big Boss Power Juicer it must be amazing! Thanks!
I really need a new blender! Mine just doesn’t do the job like it should.
We’ve been juicing since January and love it!
I have never juiced anything with a juicer before. This sounds good though.
Wow! That’s great to find something the kids will like. That’s hard but you seemed quite successful! Kudos!
I so want a juice that can not only take care of fruits, but can take care of vegetable juices. My old grandmother likes having some veggie juice and it is good for her health too.
I have never tried juicing before but it has always intrigued me. I know many people like it.
Great to see you having some fun with your review Nicole!
Our family has recently bought a nutri bullet which doesn’t leave any of the pulp you get from a juicer – I notice the difference for sure with a healthy metabolism booster first thing in the day!
Great article 🙂
Thank you for this review ,
I do juicing too and our grand kids like
the juice as well ,healthy and great in winter and summer.
A good juicer is needed to make it fun.
It seems the one you recommend is very good.
Never tried juicing…probably will after reading this post though!
I love juicing.. I actually own a masticating juicer and love it.. 🙂
What a great juicer/blender. I like reusing the pulp in some of my soups as a thickener which works well.
I have had such a great experience with my juicer since I bought it, and I love it. So many recipes I have found on Pinterest that I have made. I feel a lot more healthier since juicing for the past year.
I like to juice too. I like to use blueberries and bananas.
I bought a juicer and juiced for a while, but I felt like I was missing a lot of the fiber (and maybe some of the vitamins) in the pulp it was extracting, so I switched to smoothies and just peeled it (if necessary) and threw it all in (fruit and veggies) and added a little almond milk. I do the smoothies more often, but sometimes I still crave the juicer, so I go for it.
Thank you for sharing all of these tips. My husband has a juicer but rarely ever uses it.
Juicing has changed my energy level so much. Dealing with RA/Fibro I’m always reading health news to increase my quality of life
Ive heard of juicing but never tried it. May have to look into getting a juicer
I love my juicer. I love to use the pulp and left over to add to recipes. We especially love it in muffins.
I would love to have this blender.
This juicer looks great! Would love to own one and make fresh juices.
Have not tried juicing yet.
I think I should start juicing to cleanse and lose weight.
This recipe looks very tasty. Thanks for sharing!