
When I was 4, my folks uprooted us from our small home in the small city and transplanted us right into rural Iowa. We lived in a housing development that consisted of 10 acre non-farm properties. The school that I attended was itty-bitty and covered families from miles away. They, on the other hand, we’re mostly farm families.

I have fond grade-school memories of spending the night at my best friend’s house. Liz lived on a farm which meant work was required of every family member and ATC’s were tools of the trade and not recreational toys. It wasn’t always that way… remember being in second grade and participating in a coloring contest in class. I colored my farm animal the wrong color, according to Liz. They aren’t that color in real life. I learned a lot about farm life from Liz.

Now I’m much older and have lived a life much further from the farms. Yet I have an appreciation for the farm life and all the hard work required of it.

When Family Review Network asked if i was asked if I wanted to participate in a blog tour for the Midwest Dairy Association, I thought of the my childhood memories and immediately said yes.

You see, Midwest dairy farm moms face the same challenges that my classmates faced. Farm life is hard work involving the entire family and is a 24/7 job – so maximizing family time is crucial. When possible, especially during the holidays, they use meal time to have real conversations. Unlike the days of my childhood, they need to restrict cell phones as they sit down to enjoy each other’s company over dinner.

And helping out in the kitchen is always a great source of bonding. Helping with dinner prep or after-dinner dishes is always a great opportunity for quality time. Cooking up a batch of brownies or pumpkin bars is even better.

I received a baking dish, recipe card and potholder that I used to make something special.  I surfed their website for one that would be perfect and opted for a batch of brownies. From scratch. Yes. Me. Baking and not burning. The recipe was very easy to make, despite being all from scratch.  Who knew?

The best part is that the final product not only got a thumbs up from my husband, my neighbor and my neighbor’s daughter but it got a super thumbs up from MY daughter.  I was surprised by how much better it tasted than what we usually make… from a box.

The Midwest Dairy Association website has a wealth of information, including recipes like the one I created above, as well as important resources for schools.  I encourage you to check out!  In he meantime, enter this great giveaway where you have the chance to win a quality time baking gift basket of your own!

For more information about life on the dairy farm, the dairy farm families, recipes and more, visit their website.  You can also stop by their blog or follow them on Facebook, Twitter or YouTube!

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