Resolutions by Any Other Name

I cannot believe that the new year is already upon us. This past year has just flown by and I don’t know where it went.
Seriously. It seems like just recently that I celebrated by 40th birthday but that was way back in April.
I am not one to write down resolutions because when I ultimately fail, I just end up more frustrated and down than if I don’t make the resolution in the first place. But one thing is for certain as I begin the new year… I need to rethink my health. I am horrible about planning meals, have a terrible sweet tooth and only enjoy exercise that makes me smile when I am doing it.
So as I remove the old calendar from the wall and put up a new one, I want to try to rethink how I approach my health. No, it isn’t a resolution. I refuse to call it that. I merely need to make small changes and stick with them.
Blogging has been a blessing in that I’m able to try out products that I might not otherwise try… Especially foods. Yogurts, fiber bars, drinks. In this case, I tried Fiber One original cereal. I’ve had and enjoyed these types of cereal before but don’t eat them consistently. When I opened the Fiber One box, I was thrilled to see two separately sealed packages inside. One for now and one for whenever. At least I knew that half of the cereal would not be stale if I decided cereal didn’t sound good for a few days/weeks.
This time, I didn’t just eat the cereal by itself. When I eat cereals like Cheerios, I regularly top them off with a little sugar alternative. For the Fiber One, I didn’t do that. I happened to purchase some fresh fruit that I served with my cereal – you know, to make it look like the one on the box – and didn’t even feel upset that there wasn’t sugar on it. The sweetness of the fruit offset the richness of the cereal.
Guess what. It was heavy and filling. While normally I would fill a cereal bowl and eat it and this time was no different. As you can see from my photo, I filled up the cereal bowl with fruit and Fiber One. About halfway through, I realized that all I needed was a tea cup full. Each subsequent time, I ate less but was still plenty satisfied. It kept me moving during my class at the gym, too whereas toast and other cereals sometimes don’t agree with me half way through the class.
By making small changes, I’m hoping that I’ll be able to improve my health in the new year. I already know that products like Fiber One taste good but I often forget how filling they are… how satisfying they can be… how much better they can be for me than some alternatives I usually choose.
Small changes at a time. That’s the goal. How about you? Are you a resolution person or do you find them to be more of an emotional roller coaster than not making a resolution at all? Think you would enjoy the benefits of Fiber One? How about a kick-starter of a gift pack from MyBlogSpark and Fiber One?
The Prize: Fiber One Prize Package
Participants –
…must provide a US shipping address
…must provide an email in the first comment, email me directly with an email address or have email accessible from their profile.
Sometime on January 5, 2011, a winner will be chosen at random from all valid comments left. Winner has 72 hours from posting/notification to respond. If winner cannot be contacted, I will move on to the next random selection.
How to enter: <GIVEAWAY CLOSED>
i subscribe and I would like to try the honey oats cereal
Fb-Laura DeLuca
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I subscribe and I'd like to try the blueberry muffin mix!
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I'm an email subscriber. I'd like to try the strawberry toaster pastries and I hope to exercise more next year. Thanks.
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Subscribed to SAHM Reviews in reader — I'd like to try Fiber One Shredded Wheat Cereal; and I'd like to improve my housekeeping this year 🙂 *Thanks* for the giveaway!
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I subscribe by email, visited Fiber One website and would like to try their muffin mix. I am hoping to get more into exercise this year.
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Visited Fiber One and Would love to try their Choc. Fudge Toaster Pastries –
Working on this year… my weight!
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I did a writeup and posted the links to the 30 days to a cure for diabetes documentary on Youtube on our fitness center site. If you are looking to really make some concrete changes this new year you might want to check out the documentary. A raw food diet never fails to allow me to drop 20lbs in about 30 days. No better time than the New Year to give it a try.
I'm an RSS subscriber via Google Reader. Google ID: Cori Westphal
And my goal for the new year is to be able to fit into boots. Yeah that's right. I have large calves and I've made it my goal to slim down so I can wear cute knee high boots!
And the Chocolate Mocha Fiber One bars sound incredible!
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I subscribe and would like to try the Fiber One Chewy Bars-Oats and Strawberry flavor. My goal for this year is to lose some weight.