Because Kids Keep Going and Going

When family and friends started having kids, I remember them joking about buying stock in battery companies. I laughed but really didn’t appreciate the true nature of the comment until I had kids of my own.
I swear that we go through more batteries in a month than we did in my entire childhood. Dang near everything our kids touch has a battery related something-or-other with it. Everything electronic obviously does but even dolls do these days. No, maybe Barbie doesn’t but her car and dream house sure do.
If you have kids, you know how it goes. The kids keep going and going and going… until the toy they are playing with needs new batteries. Then they are at our side asking for us to fix it. The kids’ camera, the Zhu Zhu pet, the Leapfrog toys… so many things… so many batteries.
For some things, we purchase traditional batteries but our preference became Energizer Rechargeable batteries several years ago. Whenever I have a yard sale, I have to open up all the electronic toys and retrieve the rechargeable batteries!
Last year at BlogHer, I actually received an Energizer Family Charger and love it because it allows us to charge multiple batteries, even of different sizes, all at once.
There’s a progress indicator on top that shows how far along the charge is as well as whether the battery has ended its useful life.
Although the Family Charger was given to me by representatives for Energizer, most of our Energizer purchases are on our own. We regularly buy them (or Santa brings them as stocking stuffers.)
As an example, I don’t know HOW we got along without the induction charging pad for the Wii controllers. Seriously, it’s golden. Not needing to swap out batteries all the time is just heavenly. If a charger dies, it’s usually because one of the kids forgot to put it away (on the charging station) the last time they used it.
With Christmas just around the corner and everyone in the mindset to get all the right gifts, I wanted to point out that sometimes the perfect gift is the one you don’t realize you need. If you don’t want to add these to your kids’ lists for them, then I strongly encourage you add it to your own.
Be sure to follow Energizer or Energizer Bunny on Facebook because every once in a while, they surprise their followers with coupons! You can also keep up with Energizer by visiting their website, subscribing to their Energizer or Energizer Bunny YouTube Channels or following Energizer or Energizer Bunny on Twitter!
Hi! Max Power won a Scribbleprints post card in my giveaway. He's one of the bloggers for this blog, and didn't leave an e-mail. So, can you let him know he won. Thanks!
PS: Forgot to mention, I need him to pick a card and send me his address before 5:00 pm tomorrow (Dec 8). ecarian at yahoo dot com
Nice bunny-ears!