The Annual Power of Pink

Unless you’ve been under a rock, you’re fully aware that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I typically avoid duplicating posts because I want diversity on However, for an annual campaign, I need to bend the rules a little and make sure that I do my part to get the word out.
This one, particularly, hits closer to home than the last time I posted about it. You see, shortly after my post went live last year talking about the Pink Together site as well as General Mills donation to Susan G. Komen for the Cure, I found out that my mom’s sister was diagnosed with breast cancer. I packaged up some of the unopened items I had received as part of that promotion and sent them her way. I also forwarded her daughter links to, Look Good…Feel Better and other resources I had acquired as part of my involvement with blogging. If I had not participated in those blog tours (Pink Together via MyBlogSpark and LookGoodFeelBetter via MomCentral) then I would not have been able to provide that helping hand to my cousin at a time when researching and learning was imperative to her on behalf of my aunt.
So when the campaign opened up again this year, I was there… ready to spread the word again for people who are new to is a constantly growing community of real-life survivors and supporters. Once again, General Mills has committed to donate to Komen for each inspirational story, encouraging comment or flower sent via the PinkTogether community. $1 for each of those activities until $20,000 has been reached. In addition, through October, General Mills is pledging $1 for each shared message of hope (up to $5,000) posted on the Pink Together Facebook page.
Pink Together has a group of Ambassadors who have been sharing their stories more publicly. Check them out on the Pink Together YouTube channel.
To raise awareness about the General Mills “Connecting for a Cure” campaign, I was sent a gift package that included full-value coupons for some General Mills products, a Pink Ribbon car magnet and key chain, travel mug, and drawstring backpack. In addition, one lucky reader will win a “Connecting for a Cure” gift pack just like the one I received! (contest expired)
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I left a comment under Alison's posts (from Biggest Loser)
I shared the site on my facebook to remember that Breast Care Awareness should not end just because October is over…and left the facebook url for me FB friends to go over and LIKE them!
thank you!
ejrichter60 at gmail dot com
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eileen r.
thanks for doing this…have two family members with mastectomies the past few years and lost two friends in 9 months to breast cancer…
ejrichter60 at gmail dot com
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