Because Sometimes Life Stinks…

We have all kinds of smell producers in our house– compost, cat, dog, not-quite-potty-trained twins, a cloth-diaper-wearing baby. We clean the litter box, the trash can, the compost bucket, the diaper pails regularly, but that doesn’t stop the smells from trying to take over.
I think with smells, generally, you one of two choices: 1) live with the odors and just get used to them; or 2) spray the house constantly with some odor-covering product to try and mask the scents. Baking soda may work in the fridge and in the washer, but it’s messy for other application. Our trash can is clumped with it and it still reeks.
So I was happy to try Clean+green (Sea-Yu) products that were sent to me by awesome Mom blogger SAHM Reviews. They are “all natural and pet-safe” according to their packaging. I’ve given them the run-around here’s the results:
• The Furniture Refresher isn’t just for furniture and pet beds. I sprayed it directly onto the litter after scooping. Urine smell was reduced significantly. (I think Betty would agree that it worked. I am not sure if it is related, but she hasn’t been avoiding me as much lately! Cats!)
• Used the Refresher in the diaper pail… sprayed in and took a big whiff. The odor was gone “on contact,” as promised. These are just cheapy, $10 plastic pails from Wal-Mart that my in-laws picked up. I hate them because they don’t seal, but with the odor spray that might not be such an issue any longer.
• Sprayed the Refresher into the rolling bin for our trash and inhaled. Phew… might need a couple applications there! The instructions didn’t say it would work for garbage pails, but I like all-purpose products when I can get them. I’ll keep trying it again.
Clean+green sent me a “Carpet and Upholestery” spray as well that has the same ingredients — cane sugar derivatives, botanical extracts and hydrated cellulose, along with water and a nitrogen propellant for the canister. I’m not sure what the difference is between the products except the upholstery products claims to “remove stains” as well. So far, no we haven’t had any yucky pet stains to clean up (we don’t have much carpet), but I might try it on the oil spot on my comforter.
Other Products, Other Places
I haven’t yet tried the product on my compost bucket– I’ll comment here when I do to let you know how it goes. I also need to try it on the leather sofa, but I’d prefer not to, since that would require one of the girls to have an accident during naps. No thanks for now. And I’m thinking about checking out the “Auto” product for my stinky minivan– it’s supposed to be for pet smells, but really, aren’t the kids kind of like pets?
I’d buy this product for smell reduction, but only because I have real issues with it at the moment. I am not fond of having another non-recyclable canister around, so that loses points in the Less is More filter I use to scrutinize what we’re bringing inside. (Edit by Nicole: Following this post, I was contacted and told that the cans are 100% recyclable. I was unable to locate that fact on their website, but I mentioned that they should add it.)
One more test I have try– keeping it on the bedside table for those unpleasant husband-farts. Hope it works!
SeaYu products are available at Amazon but you can also find them at a store near you. If you’re eco-conscious and want more information about Clean+green or SeaYu Enterprises, check out their blog, their website, on Facebook or even request a coupon!
Hey Nic…
I'd love to know how to recycle these… Can you ask Sea-Yu for more details? Many products (like anything number 5 plastic) are "recyclable" in theory, but not in practice… ie, there isn't ANYWHERE that actually takes them. Can these go in the "tin/alunimum" recycling curbside, for example? If so, I'm overjoyed!!