Beep… Beep… Beep… BeBeBeBeBeep

Picture yourself as a parent to an under-the-weather child who you think is running a fever. Now, read the title of my post out loud pausing slightly between the words. If you had an Exergen Temporal Scanner (Thermometer) in hand, you would already be done acquiring your child’s temperature.
I’m not kidding. It is quick and easy and ridiculously non-evasive. No tugging on ears and it can be done without waking the child. Seriously. And it’s so easy, that my 6 and 4 year old are able to take their own temperature (and mine!)
Typically, I give you a nice story to go with my product reviews. Well, back in August 2008, I posted a review of the Exergen Thermometer. I love the Exergen Thermometer, but please pop over to my prior review so I don’t have to rehash what I’ve already posted. When you’re done reading, come back because I’m giving one away to a lucky reader!
The Prize: Exergen Temporal Scanner Thermometer
Participants –
…must provide an email in the first comment, email me directly with an email address or have email accessible from their profile. Winner has 72 hours from posting/notification to respond. If winner cannot be contacted, I will move on to the second random selection.
Sometime on April 21, 2009, a winner will be chosen at random (using from all valid comments left.
Finally, don’t forget to enter my giveaway for a Yoplait Get Active Prize Pack. Keep checking back because there’s a Glade giveaway on it’s way, too!
actually, I already own one- and I love it! It makes taking temperatures of sick kids so much easier! And I find it to be accurate too- not much difference than when the doctor takes their temp! So I would love to win a back up one because I would now be lost without mine!
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gahome2mom AT gmail DOT com
gahome2mom AT gmail DOT com
I have 2, two month old infants and they have been sick for the last 2 weeks. Having the Exergen would make it so much easier to check their temp them rectally or armpit.
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I REALLY need this item. My son is almost seven and runs SUPER high fevers (103.5 average) when he gets sick and I am still using a rectal for accuracy (at the dr. recomendation). this item would save him dignity and me frustration.
It takes temperatures by scanning the temporal artery quickly
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i think this would be much more accurate than the ‘magic mom hand’ on the forehead method that I currently use 😉
I love that it can get such an accurate reading so quickly! It would have been great to have when my little ones were sick last week!
khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com
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khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com
I’d love this because it will be more accurate than the one we have now, and take WAY less time! I LOVE that it’s used by hospitals… Speaks for the quality of the product, and it sells me even more!
garyandalesha at cox dot net
I added your button to my site! 🙂 I would LOVE to have one of these! I just can’t get a very accurate reading anymore w/ the ear thermometer! 🙂
When my son gets fevers, it is usually so hard to take his temperature under his arm. I am constantly taking his temperature when he is sick since his fevers tend to go up fast. If I had an Exergen Temporal Scanner Thermometer, it would make us both so much happier during a rough time.
Coming back for my 2nd entry (‘cuz of my button!)
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espressogurl at hotmail dot com
Having to try a second time to get this to post so my posts are reversed.
I have wiggly and uncooperative kids when it comes to taking temperature the standard way. Just a headache for everyone involved so this would be quicker and less invasive. Now i hope this actually posts.
espressogurl at hotmail dot com
I would love to win one of these. When my son gets sick it is so stressful (to me and to him) to get an accurate reading, especially if he has a cough or stuffy nose, because he can’t keep the oral thermometer in his mouth long enough to get an accurate reading.
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com
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talonsmom731 at gmail dot com
I have a baby girl and right now I have to take her temp the old fashion way.
Temporal artery temperature changes faster than temperature taken rectally
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I have been trying to win the Exergen Temporal Scanner Thermometer for months! I have two little granddaughters who run from their Mom when she tries to take their temperature. And you can’t blame them, a sick child does not want a thermometer placed under their arm or in their ear. The temporal scanner gently glides across the forehead and you’re done. You can take the temperature of a
I want one because I am a first time mom to a 5 month old and I want a non-invasive way to take her temperature. After she got whooping cough at 2 weeks old I am paranoid and take her temp just about every day. I could definitely use this.
I want one for my son and daughter-in-law. They have four little ones and this would be such a great item for them to have. It seems that taking temps with this would be a lot less stressful for both the parents and the kids.
dbkagrayson2002 at gmail dot com
I’d love to own the Exergen Temporal Scanner because it is non-invasive, so fast, and accurate! My little one won’t have time to run or squirm away. It would be a blessing to have.
I shared on Facebook (Susan Chew).
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I would love to have this for my son. He’s not a fan of more invasive temperature measures and it always seems to take 2-4 times before I get an accurate reading.
couponcrazymom00 at gmail dot com
I would love to win this because my son’s current thermometer is pretty bad. It times out before it finishes getting a good reading from his armpit. This one sounds fool-proof and fast!!
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They used one of these on my daughter at the hospital recently, and I couldn’t believe how quick and easy it was! I am never confident taking my kids’ temperatures with a regular thermometer. I would love to have this at home.
I really want one of these because my son gets frequent ear infections. I could really use a thermometer that is easy to use, fast, quiet, and ACCURATE for all those middle-of-the-night checks.
katiekarr at gmail dot com
I have 2 little squirmers under the age of two who never let me get an accurate temp. Maybe this would help!
Gives accurate temp. Convenient for travellers and kids.
I want it because I do not have one and it is more accurate than ear temperature.
I so want one because my son HATES having his temperature taken with the underarm thermometer. It’s a fight every time. I need this for everyone’s sanity!
adorablyconfused at hotmail dot com
These are awesome and I’ve been wanting to get one. I am impressed with them because the Temporal artery temperature changes faster than temperature taken rectally and the temporal artery temperature is not affected by the things that cause oral and underarm temperatures to be misleading so it’s more accurate.
chellelee7 {at} gmail {dot} com
It is so difficult to get my youngest hold a thermometer in his mouth. I’d love this so that I can actually feel like I’m get an accurate temperature reading! Thanks for the giveaway~
It is faster, easier & more accurate than taking their temp under their arm, like I've always done.
I like how easy it is to use and i’m sure my kids would appreciate the same! No more holding it under the arm for forever!
Because it is so fast and easy to use.
silverhartgirl at
I want one of these because it’s what our pediatrician uses, and it’s SUPER fast, easy and painless. My 2 year old actually said, “Thank you!” after they took his temp with it on Wednesday. I always take it rectally, which neither one of us really cares for.
We would love this because it would take the fight out of using an oral thermometer! Plus, it would be much more accurate. Having a sick little one is bad enough without trying to fight to check their temp. Thanks for the chance to enter!
I have your button.
I like that you can take a temperature without waking the baby.
plsneath at
I would love to win one of these for my sister-in-law & my new niece (her 1st child)! I remember well the difficulty of trying to take temperatures rectally & orally & even the under-the-arm thermometers can be difficult & unreliable! I love that this works so quickly & easily!
I want to be able to take tempertures accurately and non-invasively.
madamerkf at aol dot com
i added your button to my blog.
madamerkf at aol dot com
This just seems like it would be so much easier! My girls are impossible to get temps on!
Because I am a worrier and this would be so much less invasive for my son!
addeviant006 at gmail dot com
so I can really get an accurate reading of my wiggle worms temp
It is really hard to make my already-sick son remain calm during the taking the temperature routine. I would love one of these.
I hate thermometers as much as the kids do. The old “well, she FEELS kind of hot” “Really, I think she feels pretty normal” conversation drives me nuts. I need data. I’m amazed at how accurate these things are.
I like how temp taking isn’t complicated by talking, movement, or whether the child has had something cold to drink beforehand…and that it’s fast!
Thanks for the chance.
musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com
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I am having a baby next month this would make a perfect gift to our baby!
It sounds like this termometer would be a lot easier to use on a screaming child who doesn’t want their temperature taken. I’d be able to take my daughter’s temperature without a huge fit, hopefully!
bs.webster at sbcglobal dot net
I would love to have this because it would be so much easier to take my daughters temp and a lot more accurate
I’d love to win. It would be so much easier to take temperatures and it seems much more accurate as well.
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I want this because it is accurate and noninvasive. Meaning no more rectal temps!
I blogged
i want to win because our current method is inaccurate and inconsistent
Oh my gosh I could really use one of these right now my grandson is so sick and has been running a fever on & off! It would make it so much easier than fighting to a temperature!
I would love to have this for my daughter, as well as one on the way. I have the under armpit thermometer, and let me tell you, my daughter screams and yells, my hubby and I have to hold her down when we use that. This will help tremendously with time and my child’s behavior.
It is much more accurate and my son runs fevers that tend to go higher in no time. I have heard many good things about it.
I would love this because I am tired of my kids fighting me on a regular digital under the arm because their to little for mouth use.
I am a google follower.
Malaika says:
I have four kids and though, thankfully, they are rarely sick, when they do get sick taking temperatures is the pits because they are so cranky and uncomfortable. This sounds like the perfect solution. Thanks!
It would make life so much easier when the kids are sick. One quick touch and you’ve got an accurate temp!
It would make life so much easier when the kids are sick. One quick touch and you got an accurate temp!
I just visited the Exergen website! Thanks for the review. We have the digital mouth thermometer and we never get an accurate reading! Thanks!
I left comment #97 “Susan” … I wasn’t signed in so It didn’t leave my email addy! THis is it! Thanks
I put your awesome button on my blog!!!
I Stumbled your blog!!!!!! I’m susieqtpie there! Thanks!
I”m susieqtpie on Twitter and I just tweeted this for your giveaway!!
Exergen Temporal Scanner Thermometer @SahmReviewsless than 5 seconds ago from web
I just subscribed to your email newsletter! Thanks look fwd to your newsletters. arteachersusan at gmail dot com
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Thanks for those new links!
Google’s Friend Connect is where i’m following you too!!!! Love it!
If this is a quick, safe, effective way to check a kids’ temperature, sign me up! I hate fiddling with the thermometer while trying to hold it in the wiggling/screaming child’s armpit for the 2 minutes it takes to measure the temperature and then having it give me an error message and making me do it all over again! Simply touching the forehead and baam – there’s the temp., that I can do.
melacan at hotmail dot com
I would like to own the Exergen Temporal Scanner because it would be so easy to take the temperature of a squirmy child, and it would be accurate as well.
pkildow at gmail dot com
I would like to own the Exergen Temporal Scanner because I know that I will get an exact and accurate temperature reading.
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My child is too young for mouth temp, and he HATES having it taken under his arm. And I don’t even want to consider the other way….this would be wonderful!!
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It’s difficult to get my squirmy toddler to sit still and consent to having something stuck in his ear, so this would be nice! Also, he decided that the other, regular digital probe thermometer I had was a fun toy, and now it won’t turn on. 🙁
augustgirl01 (at) hotmail (dot) com
I have the hardest time ever taking my infants temp because she moves and wriggles so fast!! This product is amazing!
saradavis1 at gmail
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I like the Exergen because of its convenience of use!
I would love getting an accurate temp reading…even with a temp of (close to? approx?) 103, my oldest son wiggles and squirms and I tried the ear kind and got a different reading three times in a row. I would like to try this one because it is faster, simpler, and less-invasive to a sick kid and lots of moms have recommended it!
This lloks amazing! The one I have now takes a different temp every time I do it… so I have to take it three times and pick the middle number! Thanks for the chance.
I want one so that I can quit buying those little dunce caps that go on the ear temperature type….plus we never have any extras laying around when someone is sick.
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I stumbled your giveaway
Username: wastebasketsa
I subscribe! Thanks for a great giveaway. This is a fabulous product! We use this where I work.
The fact that is it easy to use and noninvasive.
I would love to win this thermometer. The patented technology measures temperatures with a gentle stroke across the forehead. No more waiting on the oral thermometer to to take a temp reading. Thanks for the chance to win!
I now follow your blog.
I would love to own an Exergen Temporal Scanner because I like that its accurate and so easy to use!
i would love to be able to take my childrens temperature acurately. right now, i have a very old “in the mouth” type of thermometer an i sure could use an update. thanks. clallen at ntin dot net
following on google friends connect. thanks clallen at ntin dot net
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clallen at ntin dot net
I would love this thermometer! I like that it is simple to use and non-invasive by measuring the temperature with just a gentle stroke across the forehead.
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I am glad you like this thermometer because it wont stay on long enough to take a temperature for me… I’m returning it as soon as I’m well enough to go back to the store! By the way, the battery is good.
First of all, Buddy, sorry you are under the weather! Second, I would recommend contacting customer service before returning it. You’re able to do that from the comfort of your home while you’re still on the mend. We STILL have the one we reviewed back in 2008 as well a second one we were given to support the promotion in 2009. We’ve only had one issue with them and that was because the sensors had gotten a little gummed up over time. Their customer service team was very helpful and provided instructions for cleaning the sensor. See what their customer service has to say. Get well soon!