Not a Review or a Giveaway…better. Sort of.
Although I try to restrict SAHM Reviews to reviews and related giveaways, I need to veer from that a bit in the near future. (Don’t worry, I’ll keep my regular family ramblings over at SAHM Ramblings.)Wait! Don’t unsubscribe! Hear me out!
In case you hadn’t noticed the banner at the top of my blog, I’m registered to attend BlogHer in Chicago this summer. Can’t tell you how extremely excited I am. It’s an opportunity for me to enhance my blogging skills. Learn more about the different aspects of the blogosphere and the direction it is heading. But for me, my main objective is to meet face to face with people I have been interacting with during my blogging lifetime.
I’ve already started notifying my public relations contacts that I’ll be there and I’ve been making plans for meeting new ones.
Stop yawning. I’m getting to my point. You’re asking “What’s in it for me, Nicole? Your loyal reader and follower?” That’s what I’m working on. The more contacts I make, the more reviews I’ll be able to select from and hopefully, land some great giveaways for awesome prizes! At least, that’s the plan.
Unfortunately, along with all my hopes and dreams (and the BlogHer conference) come a lot of expenses… In the coming days, weeks and probably months, you will randomly see off-course blog posts related to companies or products that I haven’t actually reviewed. Read them please because they are entries into some promotion or sponsorship program… and I’ll be putting together my best stuff in order to win. (Not that I don’t put my best stuff into every review, mind you.) I am sure that some of the contests will require me to nag you to go vote for me… but even if they don’t, if it’s for a company that you would want to see represented on my blog, then please click through to them. It will help my exposure and therefore help me build a relationship that I might not otherwise have!
This is just an announcement to keep you from rolling your eyes and saying “Hey! That’s not a review or a giveaway. What’s with that?” Well, only good things can come of all of it. Better products to review, better giveaways… so please bear with me during all my pleas for sponsorship! Thanks in advance!
Now I’m off to beg…err… write a nice post to try to win an adorable HP clutch notebook to take along to BlogHer with me since lugging my desktop computer to the conference might give me some back problems.
You Go Girl!
Have a great time Nicole~! See you when you get back. I can’t wait to read all about it.