Bon bons as diet food? Why not?!

I don’t know about everyone else, but when I have a chocolate craving, it’s pretty much a diet killer. Most chocolates make me just want to keep eating them which makes my tummy very happy but my scale very angry. It is really a love-hate relationship.I’ll gladly spend some time at the gym if it means that I can enjoy the foods that I love. Although I don’t lose weight as fast, at least I’m establishing a consistent lifestyle. I’m being honest with myself and not depriving myself. Sure I can say “No chocolate, no chips, salads for lunch each day” but it’s not a long term plan. I cannot go through life without those simple pleasures. I may lose weight and get to my ideal weight but then I’ll reward myself or go ‘off’ the diet and I’ll start gaining the weight back. Hello yo-yo.
In mid January, I was asked to review Shake Your Bon Bons. How on earth could I refuse chocolate? Diet or no diet, new year’s resolution or not, chocolate is a must. Actually, awesome chocolates make it easier to only have a few. Savoring them instead of just chomping away.
I’ve noticed that while I love to chomp away at chocolate like there’s no tomorrow, if it’s a quality product then I don’t need as much to make me happy. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I’m a cheapskate and like to stretch my dollars… maybe it’s because quality chocolates are more satisfying. I don’t know. Either way, if I find a high quality bon bon, truffle or chocolate bar, I make it last.
So I said yes. They arrived earlier this month and it took everything I had not to just hide them in the fridge. You know, like in the veggie drawer where nobody would find them except me. I didn’t. Instead, I graciously offered them up to DH and both the girls.
We received three traditional flavors – “Double Chocolate” “Chocolate Vanilla” and “Cherry Vanilla” flavors. DH loved the Double Chocolate, the girls loved “Chocolate Vanilla” and I loved all three – but by process of elimination claimed the Cherry Vanilla as mine.
Although we savored them, we couldn’t make them last too long because they don’t contain preservatives like most commercial products. The instructions that came with my package said “You will want to store them someplace cool and dry as they don’t contain any preservatives.”
Shake Your Bon Bons has a huge selection of delicacies. Whether you’re looking for bon bons like what we received or ones that are ultra fancy or a little sassier, Shake Your Bon Bons has what you’re looking for. From bon bons to fudge, coffee to flavored syrups or just something more. If the rest of the inventory from Shake Your Bon Bons is half as good as the bon bons we tested, then I’m safe in saying it’s still fabulous!
Stop by and check out the options – if you like chocolate, you’ll find something to make your taste buds happy. And if you’re like me, you can count it as diet food!