That’s What the Test Bottles Are For

In November, I was battling a case of horribly chapped hands. I hadn’t started using the Dove products yet nor the Vaseline Clinical Therapy. As part of my normal everyday routine, I wash my hands more times than I can count. I could go on for a while listing the various events but you would get bored, leave and miss a great review. Basically, I wash my hands a lot. To top it off, I was using alcohol-based unsoaps at the gym and elsewhere. And my hands reflected it. They totally protested it. They wanted to run away. Yes, my hands wanted to run away. Well, not literally. But they were completely dry, cracked and bleeding.Then on a trip to the local grocery store, I noticed bottles of Skin MD Natural on the counter by the pharmacy window. There was a testing bottle sitting there just calling my name So I tried it. That’s what it’s there for, right? Good products know to put out a sample bottle because they know you’ll get hooked once you try it.
Guess what happened? My hands loved it. It’s silky and doesn’t feel at all greasy. I’m not an impulse buyer so I wanted to research it at home before making a purchase. I wasn’t familiar with this particular brand nor with the terminology of shielding lotion as opposed to just lotion.
Low and behold, within days of that visit, I was contacted and asked if I wanted to test out to a bottle of Skin MD to review on my blog. Well, since I was thinking of researching it anyhow and possibly buying it ummm, let me think… yeah. Duh. Of course!
As part of the campaign, I received a bottle of Skin MD Natural Shielding Lotion plus Sunscreen in the mail a week or so ago. Sunscreen in the summer makes total sense but how many people think about applying it when they aren’t wearing a swimsuit? You probably think you don’t need sunscreen in the winter, but your skin is constantly exposed to UV rays. Your face gets a double dose of UV rays in the winter as the sun is reflected off the snow.
I recall my MIL talking about how she used glycerin on chapped hands when she was a kid. I’ve heard that from other people too. Skin MD has a proprietary formulation that has a moisturizing factor of at least 6 times greater than glycerin. It only takes a little dab to cover your entire hands so make sure you pay attention while you’re dispensing it. I made the mistake of trying to put some on my hands while being distracted by the kids. What a mess. I had to rub my hands on Miss M’s hands and arms just to get rid of the excess. A little goes a long way.
If this lotion sounds like something you might like to try then check out the store locator for a test bottle near you. They also offer a guarantee and samples. When you’re done checking the store locator, the guarantee and the information about the free samples, read on for how to enter my giveaway.
The Prize
One bottle of Skin MD Natural Shielding Lotion plus Suncreen SPF 15.
Participants –
…must provide a US mailing address.
…must provide an email in the first comment, email me directly with an email address or have email accessible from their profile. Winner has 72 hours from posting/notification to respond. If winner cannot be contacted, I will move on to the second random selection.
Sometime on January 31, 2009, a winner will be chosen at random (using from all comments left. Winner will be posted on PRIZEYWinners.
How to enter: (CONTEST CLOSED)
I have never heard of this product before until reading your blog/review. It sounds absolutely wonderful and it really works! i love the fact that it can battle eczema, making it more manageable than any other lotion out there on the market!
Thanks for a great giveaway 🙂
Perfect giveaway for my dry dry dry skin. I have eczema, so I paid special attention to Skin MD’s ability to repel irritants and toxins found in the home and work place. I didn’t realize that these irritants can cause dry skin conditions such as eczema.
Skin MD is one of the few products my dermatologist would okay for me. Thanks for the tip about them!
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The reason this lotion is so effective is that it is a shielding lotion, not just a moisturizing lotion. That was a new concept for me to learn about!
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
good for psorisis and excema!
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Our modern life has many things that strip our skin of its natural protective ability–things as simple as chlorinated water or in the video they used a pool chemical. This lotion shields our skin.
slrdowney at hotmail dot com
I have your button on my blog
link to skin MD natural
This product is a shielding lotion so it protects moisture from escaping the skin.
Skin MD alleviates dry skin, eczema and psoriasis.
jeanilynne at gmail dot com
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This sounds like a great product for my winter-dry skin.
veggiegirl at rock dot com
I watched the video it was a little hard to hear because she echoed but I learned that its like an invisible
glove for your hand. She even poured some type of acid over her hand and it melted the object she was holding but her hands were protected.
I’m a subscriber.
I learned that not only does it moisturize your skin but it shields it as well keeping harmful toxins off.
A fundamental difference between Shielding Lotions and traditional skin care lotions is that Shielding Lotions enhance the skin’s own natural protective abilities by turning the outer layer of skin into what could be described as a hydrating invisible shield making them many times more effective than mere protective lotions and moisturizing creams.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
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janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
Skin MD alleviates dry skin. This sounds perfect for my skin that has gotten so dry this winter.
litebird at usa dot com
Whta a wonderful product demo. It is promptly absorbed, without the slightest hint of any greasy or oily feeling or residue, transforming the outer layer of skin into a hydrating invisible shield.
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It absorbs the part of UV spectrum that contributes to premature skin ageing and development of skin cancer.
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“Despite its shielding effect Skin MD Natural™ does not prevent the skin from breathing, in fact it improves it because it helps keep the skin pores from being clogged with outside irritants that are often too complex to be eliminated naturally.”
*Thanks* for the giveaway!
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this has the best proven statistics for solving dry skin, psoriasis, eczema and contact dermatitis problems.
The Purple Lady
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