Let Me Show You a Picture
In early July, I attended events to celebrate my 20th high school reunion. On the first night, there was a casual get-together held at a pub where everyone spent the evening getting reaquainted with each other. I had varying versions of the same conversation several times throughout the evening, as did pretty much everyone else:
“So what have you been up to?”
“Working. I’m an (insert professional title here). How about you?”
“I used to be an accountant but I stay home with the kids now.”
“How old are they?”
“Here, let me show you a picture.”
While I did see one person carrying around a packet of printed pictures, most of us just whipped out our cell phones to display camera-phone snapshots of the family. Too bad I didn’t have this photo then! It sure would have been easier to see. And cooler.

When you log onto the Unique Skins site, you choose what type of device you want to add some character to. You can create a personalized skin for a ton of different models and versions of cell phone, gaming system, laptops, MP3 players or even Bluetooth headsets.
It’s easy, too. Once you select the device, you move to a drag and drop screen to customize the actual skin. Upload your own graphics or choose from several stock patterns. My phone contains a custom graphic on one side and a stock pattern on the opposite.

We ordered our skins on 8/25/08 and had the finished product in hand on 8/30/08. And we weren’t charged a huge shipping fee.
Various stages of assembly…
The next time someone asks if I have a picture of my kids, I’ll be able to show them the one on my cell phone. On my cell phone, as in On the Outside.
Does it sound like fun? Or cool? Well, here’s your chance to find out. Unique Skins has provided loot for a giveaway. Here’s the scoop:
Three Unique Skins Gift Card codes valued at $15 each. (3 Winners)
Participants –
… must provide an email in the first comment or have email accessible from their profile. If winner cannot be contacted immediately upon drawing, I will move on to the second random selection.
On September 10th, three winners will be chosen at random (using random.org) from all comments left. I’m new to PRIZEYWinners, but I’ll be attempting to submit the winners to it!
How to enter:
For the first entry –
(1) Check out Unique Skins.
(2) Come back here and post a comment with which device you would like to see skinned.
For additional entries –
For additional entries –
(a) Earn three additional entries by adding my button to your sidebar. Come back here and leave a comment stating that you did so.
(b) Link to Unique Skins. Come back here and leave an additional comment stating that you did so.
(c) Earn three additional entries if you publish a post regarding this contest and link back to it. Come back here and leave a comment providing the link to your post.
(c) Earn three additional entries if you publish a post regarding this contest and link back to it. Come back here and leave a comment providing the link to your post.
I’d like to wrap up my ipod mini in a skin. I’d like to do my cell phone too but my particular model isn’t made. Does that mean it’s time for me to get a new phone?
ipod nano
I would love to wrap my laptop in a skin. Actually, after looking over the site, I could wrap so many things in skins. I would have a blast doing it and I am sure the kids would love seeing their pictures everywhere.
ldsmom2201 at yahoo dot com
Isn’t this site the coolest. Hubby wants one for his razor! I just got one for my ipod, they are cool.
Wow, these are really neat. I would like to wrap my razr. What a great price on these as well. Thank you!
Would love one for my MacBook 13″. I’m a little unclear about the differences in the three versions though. Not sure which I’d choose. I’d like the apple cut out and as many skins as possible to protect my baby!
I would love to skin my phone. Too cool! =)
cool that there are so many options, but i would want the cell phone, more likey that i can show it off!
I’d like to wrap my laptop it is a funky color green that my hubby thought I would like…he was wrong.
ajcmeyer at got DOT com
Wow super cool! I would love a skin for my razor phone, and I’m bookmarking this for once I get a laptop, because it would be a super easy way to “personalize” it (instead of me trying to save up for a pink laptop I could just get a wrap how neat!
I have a PS3 – black and boring. great sweeps.
Hi there, I’d like to see my ipod covered.
davidjnorris at ntlworld dot com
My laptop – great.
rhubbert at socal dot rr dot com
I have your button on my blog:Here
I linked to unique skins: Here
What a great concept! I would wrap my Nintendo DS (yes, i have my own – I kept playing my kids’ so my hubby got me one for my bday). But after looking around, I realized how inexpensive it was, so I’d definitely also like to do my cell phone! Great giveaway – thanks for offering!
I would like to wrap my cell phone in a skin.
My LG VX8550 phone.
These are too cool! I haven’t ever seen them before-I’d love one for my Blackberry 8800.
I would love one for my brand new laptop.
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
I added your button to my blog.
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
I would love a skin for my phone.
Love the idea of a family picture on my cell phone! A great gift for grandparents to show off their little ones! hint, hint
ellenbrady [AT] hotmail DOT com
I had a hard time finding my specific phone on their website, but I’d use the skin for my cell phone- it’s the same kind as yours!
I would like to see my Motorola RAZR phone skinned – it’s kind of boring the way it is now. This place has decent prices on skins compared to others I’ve seen.
I blogged about your giveaway here:
I linked to Unique Skins here:
Awesome! Skins for the IPOD are looking real good!
My ipod is looking pretty raggedy (and plain old white is so boring). I’d love to have one of the skins for my 5th gen Ipod Video!
My husband would love this for his cell phone, or maybe his ipod!
momabr at yahoo dot com
Our out of town grandparents would love one with her grandchildren on it.
I would love to see a skin on a Palm 700P
I’d definitely get one for my razr phone. What a fun giveaway!!
libby_design at yahoo dot com
My cell phone in a spider web!
I’d like to wrap my phone or my laptop! great website!
lkkirk at gmail dot com
I’d love to wrap my new Samsung Instinct phone!!!
urka84 (at) gmail.com
My boys would love to have their xbox 360 skinned in a sports theme.
I would love to get a Wii skin for our new Wii, OR a skin for my daughters Razr, she’d love it!!
I’d like to see my iphone wrapped in a skin. THAT’S SO COOL! Definitely gotta bookmark that website.
I love these! My husband and I have the same phone — a Razor too — and it’d be nice to tell them apart without having to open them.
31graphics at gmail dot com
I would like a skin for my 15 in MacPro Laptop.
I’d love to cover my Blackberry 8800. Thanks!
I’d like to get my iPod skinned!
I’d like to wrap my phone!!!
kimberlytm at gmail
I would love to wrap my phone, how cute!
I’d like to put it on everything but it would be really cool on my laptop!
lokeelanee (at)netzero(dot)com
I would skin my laptop
i’d like to skin my laptop!
I’d like to skin my blackberry or Ipod classic, such a neat website !! Since I have too choose my Ipod Classic.. I