Holiday Giveaways 2021 – Picky Kitty by Goliath Games

If you have a picky eater in the family then you’ll appreciate the game featured in this giveaway. It’s Picky Kitty from Goliath Games and it’s about a cat who doesn’t like vegetables. Can you relate? This was one of the many games included in our guide to family games that was published this morning. If you know someone who enjoys games, loves cats or just can empathize with not like vegetables then enter the giveaway! You don’t even have to eat anything you don’t like. Just use the form below and select as many options as you like. The more you do and the more often you come back for daily entries, the better your odds of winning! If you don’t have time to enter, you can grab a copy of Picky Kitty when you’re doing your other shopping!

Holiday Giveaway 2021 – Picky Kitty Game

35 thoughts on “Holiday Giveaways 2021 – Picky Kitty by Goliath Games

  1. My favorites are broccoli and fettuccini alfredo. I don’t like steak or sushi. Thanks.

  2. Most favorite foods are basically anything sweet like donuts, cakes, or pies…anything you shouldn’t eat. LOL Least favorite food would be hot peppers.

  3. Favorite food is Lobster

    My least favorite was something I got at a Chinese buffet called “Phoenix Claw”. Turned out to be a fried chicken foot

  4. My most favorite foods are pizza and ice cream. My least favorite are broccoli and cilantro. I do like to try new foods.

  5. My favorite food these days is chicken noodle soup that is low in sodium. My least favorite food these days is breakfast cereal that is high in sugar.

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