Holiday Giveaways 2020 – Game Prize Package by Briarpatch

I remember when my girls were young we played a lot of Briarpatch games together. All these years later, I still revel in that experience and feel that the girls learned a lot as a result of those early experiences. We’re always advocates for introducing toddlers to board games and appreciate that University Games supports us in this endeavor. As part of this year’s Mega Giveaway promotion, they’ve provided a prize package that includes an assortment of their Briarpatch games that’s valued at $250! I’m going to stop writing so you can head straight to the entry form. Remember to come back daily for bonus entries that will increase your chances of winning!
Holiday Giveaway 2020 – University Games Briarpatch Prize Package
My favorite are any of the Pete The Cat games.
I SPY Spooky Mansion
I Spy is always fun…..
My family are fans of the I Spy series.
The I Spy Spooky Mansion .
The World of Eric Carle series
I spy
I spy series but specifically Spooky Mansion.
The I Spy Spooky Mansion.
The I Spy Spooky Mansion.
We absolutely love their I Spy collection! We always seem to navigate to these games, they are both educational and fun!
I haven’t played and Briarpatch games yet, but hopefully I will get to!
I have played the game Briarpatch Pete The Cat Wheels On The Bus Sing-Along Puzzle Board Game. Singing is fun for the young kids
We’ve always loved I Spy The Memory Game.
I haven’t played any Briarpatch games yet.
I do not have any Briarpatch games but they look like fun games to play
I Spy since it’s the only one I’ve played
I played I spy Bingo and enjoyed it
My favorite Briarpatch game is I spy spooky mansion
I don’t believe I have ever played a briar patch game before.
DaVinci Challenge game is fun!
I spy-wow
We have always enjoyed a good Scavenger Hunt!
The I Spy games are my favorite