Holiday Giveaways 2020 – Fossilis Game (AUTOGRAPHED) by KTBG


We’ve gone hunting for diamonds at Crater of Diamonds State Park in Arkansas. A metal detector has brought us a lot of entertainment over the years as we’ve dug up money and junk among other things. There have even been a couple of opportunities to pan for gold! But we’ve never been to an archeological dig. Fossilis 3D board game from Kids Table Board Gaming lets us enjoy the experience on our game table and we have an AUTOGRAPHED copy to give away! Whether you enjoy a good treasure hunt or are simply seeking family games for the holidays, enter using the form below!

Holiday Giveaway 2020 – Autographed Fossilis Game

39 thoughts on “Holiday Giveaways 2020 – Fossilis Game (AUTOGRAPHED) by KTBG

  1. Never been on a treasure hunt. Closest I’ve come would be an easter egg hunt. Though I did find $80 in a Costco parking lot once

  2. I have panned for gold at a resort that i took my kids too but we didnt find anything it was a little disappointing

  3. I’ve been on two “digs” with each of my kids on school field trips – and they did find some small ammonites 😉

  4. We also have done digging for diamonds in Arkansas. Got hit with a sudden rain squall and ended up stuck in the mud. We also do metal detecting on the Outer Banks in NC. Haven’t found any treasure yet, but hope springs eternal!

  5. No, I’ve never been on a treasure dig because I’m not a 17th-century pirate/WWII era archaeologist. Wait? Does this contest count?

  6. I’ve never dug for treasure before. The closest activity I’ve done to that is digging for clams though, where I, obviously, found clams.

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