Big Money Game Giveaway

Isn’t it everyone’s dream to make it big? To be rolling in the dough and able to buy all the things that you’ve always wanted – and more. Whether we’re able to afford to buy a candy factory or a trophy-winning ball team in real life, we can certainly pretend it in Big Money from Wonder Forge! This game takes concepts from a couple classic board games and mixes them into one that plays in 30 minutes! You can pick up a copy at Walmart or enter to win it in today’s giveaway!
Beach-front real estate business 🙂
I would like to have a program to assist in the drug crisis in rehabilitation.
If it wasn’t helping other people in some way it would be helping dogs.
i would own a toy business or a music business or may be a makeup business or some thing that has to do with all kinds of stuff
I would own a high end restraurant.
Rescue sancutuary for farm animals.
Boardgame cafe
I would own an animal sanctuary.
A bookstore!
Books for everyone! I would have a chain of bookstores and foundations to make sure appropriate books were placed in every school for free.
If I were a zillionaire, I would own an animation studio. Thank you for the chance to win.
A casino!
I would like to own a business to hire contractors to build homes for those who are working and struggling to make ends meet.
I would want to have a cosmetics business
I would build low income apartments to help the economically challenged, the disabled and our senior citizens.
a unicorn petting zoo