You Are the Maniac! Game Giveaway

We don’t talk too much about horror movies on the site because it wasn’t something our girls were interested in until a year or so ago. Well, I probably should probably clarify that only Madison has an interest in seeing such edge-of-your-seat thrillers including some horror movies released in March. Kennedy… not so much.
But a horror-movie themed board game is a completely different story. We’re all up for that challenge. Are you? If so, enter to win a copy of You are The Maniac! The Horror Movie Card Game from Golden Bell Studios!
I like classics like the Shining.
A Japanese Horror film called Audition by Takashi Miike.
My favorite scary movie is House of 1000 Corpses. Thanks.
Get Out because of its quirky take.
I think John Carpenter’s The Thing (1982).
Ghost is my favorite scary movie.
The movie The Shining!
I like old school scary like The Birds
Zombieland, if that counts
Without a doubt, Phantasm has always scared me the most.
the exorist
The Shining…the original
I like the campy ones like Scream and I Know What You Did Last Summer
I like vampire movies & Salem’s Lot is one of my faves.
i would have to say my favorite horror movie is ” Wrong turn”
The Shining!
My favorite is Halloween
The Others