Mega Giveaway Day 102 – Go Nuts for Donuts! Game

Oh my goodness. Donuts! I don’t know about you but there aren’t many donuts that I don’t love. My personal favorite is an apple fritter. Today’s Mega Giveaway prize is one of the best kind of donuts… because it doesn’t have calories! We featured Go Nuts for Donuts! in our list of card games this holiday season. It’s another in a long list of quality family games from Gamewright. Here’s your chance to load up on this calorie-free goodie!
Boston creme
My favorite kind of donut is a chocolate bismark
My favorite is a maple bar with custard filling.
Blueberry; Earl Grey or just a plain chocolate old-fashioned
Boston Cream
Plain cake especially if very fresh
a chocolate one covered in coconut
My favorite donut is raised glazed.
My favorite is a double chocolate crumb donut YUM!
I think my favorite donut is the classic chocolate glaze. Mmmmm….donuts…
My favorite donut is cookies & cream!
Tail lights, those are the ones with a plain donuts that is topped with a fruit gel and some whipped cream.
My favorite kind of donut is peanut
Gimme some Boston Creme filled… yum yum yum
Glazed old-fashioned
Apple Fritter
.the old fashion Glazed donut I’m lovin it..
the classic one
I like eclairs, do those count?
Bavarian Cream
Probably a bismark…apple fritter might be 2nd place 🙂
My favorite are maple bars filled with custard.
any that have chocolate
I love cinnamon rolls over donuts, but I love custard filled if I have a donut.
Chocolate covered raised donuts are my favorite.
My favorite kind of doughnut is the original clear glazed kind!
My favorite donut is cream filled with chocolate glaze.
Chocolate glazed
I love glazed with sprinkles or apple fritters.
French Crueller
Cream Filled
jelly doughnuts!
I like Cro-nuts!
My favorite donuts are creamsticks while my kids like powdered.
My favorite donuts are the Boston cream with chocolate frosting on top.
I like chocolate glazed donuts
Lemon filled.
We don’t have a big variety here. But I like the ones filled with chocolate.
I love any cream or jelly filled!
My favorite type of donut is chocolate glazed.
A glazed twist will weaken me at anytime.
Boston cream
I like the jelly donut.
Cream filled! yum