Mega Giveaway Day 66 – Disc Jock-e
As much as we love board games and regularly share about them, we are also big advocates for keeping our children active in organized sports, school activities or finding other ideas for playing outside. Day 66 or our Mega Giveaway is another idea for getting both kids and adults moving. Disc Jock-e from Tucker Toys isn’t just a regular flying disc. This one streams music via Bluetooth! Start planning now for warmer weather with outdoor activities by entering to win.
her scooter is a fave toy
Their bikes, basketballs, footballs, baseballs, etc.
Jump rope
Frisbee, catch, tag, hide ‘n seek, metal detecting, jump rope.
You can’t beat a playground ball for inspiring the kids to go outside, run around and have fun…so many ways to play with it by yourself or in a group.
Anything to do with water.
The toys that inspire my kids to be active are footballs basketballs and anything with a motor or engine. Leaning a little toward the later.
My son loves his bike.
My grandchildren are 3 and 5 so they are active but their bikes, and roll around plastic toys keep them active.
Any kind of ball or just seeing a playground
My kids love riding bikes
She loves to ride her bike & scooter
Good ole frisbee or jump robe
Bicycles and balls to kick.
Toys that get them outside moving around — like flying discs.
They love to play soccer and basketball. They also like to ride bikes. They like to play on the swing set and jump rope.
My daughter loves a kick ball or four square ball. She could play four squarefor hoursssss!
The hola hoop
my son loves footballs and basketballs
My son is autistic so he has always loved to go out and catch bugs and frogs. He also tries to bring them in the house.
Play with a ball makes my kids physically active.
I would say basketball and soccer.
Bikes and roller blades.
They love to scooter and jump rope.
basketballs, footballs, frisby, hula hoops, bikes, stuff like that!
Bikes and all types of balls inspire them to be active.
Balls, bikes and jump ropes.