Kids’ Achievements and What is Next

The last few weeks have been filled with insight for me as a mom. While Kennedy continues to tell me that her goal is to make it to the state meet in cross country, Madison has been working for an All-State invitation for music. They both have taken steps to achieve their goal, including conversations with their coaches and instructors. It got me thinking back to whether I had such aspirations when I was their age.
I don’t think I did.
The multitude of opportunities weren’t available back then… or at least they weren’t considered to be that big of a deal. Or maybe I didn’t look for places to showcase whatever talents I possessed. Whatever the case, I’m thrilled that my girls set goals and work hard to be the best they can. They’re finding success in activities that I could only dream of doing a fraction as well.
They’re doing things that make me proud.
They both were on the swim team at a young age and I admire their abilities every time I see them in a swimming pool. They started orchestra in 4th grade along with band and choir in 6th grade. They each are currently fluent in three instruments. I’ve never even grasped how to read music, let alone learn to play even one instrument. They’ve participated in drama, including auditioning and landing solo parts. I still get nervous speaking in front of crowds. They join clubs, volunteer and have recognized the importance of their education. That’s just the tip of the iceberg with Kennedy only in 8th grade and Madison just starting high school.
Their goals and ambitions are boundless and I have no interest in slowing them down.
Now they have taken another step and have created their own YouTube channel, Blind Bag Babble. Kennedy had been asking for a while and Scott helped her make it happen! They took a hobby they enjoy (opening blind bags and boxes) and turned it into an outlet that yields life skills. Not only are they gaining a valuable skill – public speaking – but they are learning the behind-the-scenes work as well. They currently have 18 episodes on their channel, additional ones scheduled, some in the processing phase and more ready to record.
Did I mention how proud I am?
I encourage you to visit their Blind Bag Babble YouTube Channel and see what they’re opening. It might give you some holiday gift ideas! If you have kids, find reasons to tell them yes. Support them in their dreams. Encourage them. Period. You may be amazed by the results.
What is something your kids have achieved?
Oh wow their YouTube channel sounds like a lot of fun and I agree never under estimate a child achievement and it’s great to see that have an interest in so many things
Laura x
I love when kids are being creative and doing their own thing. You can guide them with more pleasure then. Good for them. Love the youtube channel.
I also feel like my kids have way more opportunities than I did. One is homeschooling. I always wanted be homeschooled because I was often bored in public school. Now I can proudly say that my 5-year-old is already doing first and second grade work while my toddler just started preschool. Both my kids also love doing their own creative activities as well. Creativity just comes so naturally to kids!
It sounds like you have some very ambitious children. I think it’s wonderful when parents help cultivate this in their children.
That is amazing that they started their own channel! What a way to start entrepreneur ship. 🙂 And the fact that you are so supportive is great.
My kids are always watching YouTube videos! I will need to share your kids’ channel with them. I’m sure the blind bags bring a lot of fun surprise.
I will have to share their site with my niece for her daughter and sons. It is something I think they would love. Thanks for sharing your amazing girls and their achievements.
It’s a great day and age where children can publish and shoot their own micro video series such as this. I think it’s wonderful they are taking on all of the in depth work, and see it’s much more than turning on a phone’s camera!