Mega Giveaway Day 33 – Ion Game

I hated science as a kid. Not as much as history, but still… not a big fan. It was strange because math was my best subject and teachers were often baffled why I struggled with what should be a complimentary subject. It was because I didn’t like the method of teaching. If Genius Games had been around back then and I had a game to help me learn, it would have been a different story. So we’re excited to be able to offer one lucky SahmReviews reader Ion as our Day 33 prize!
Check out the other educational gift suggestions in our S.T.E.M. Toys and Games Gift Guide then drop Genius Games a note to let them know you appreciate their participation in this year’s Mega Giveaway. You can connect with them on their website or Facebook or Twitter.
I like to learn via reading articles
games of course
I definitely like hands-on experiments, but I learn well from reading.
hands-on experiments
I aced my science classes because it was hands on, experiments and fiddling with things to see what happens.
Anything hands-on. Games work pretty good, but actually doing it myself is the best.
I really internalize lessons when I have to teach them to someone else.
I was always a hands on learner so doing the experiments, dissecting, even using models worked best for me.
I find hands-on learning to be the best, whether it’s games, experiments, or getting outside and exploring.
I like hands-on experiments and exercises.
Hmmmm. No one really stands out. I like them all, as I love science that is presented clearly.
Experiments, Visuals, Documentary
Too old to learn about science. Somehow placed out of chemistry in college!
hands on stuff
I learn science best by books and hands on.
Hands on
We like to take hikes into the mountains. I’m a geologist and love to find new rocks.
Hands-on or books
hands on
I learn by reading and testing.
I along with others learn best by a combination of all listed.
We love games. We homeshool our four kids and games make it alot of fun. We use documentaries and work books and do experiments in our kitchen. We recently did surface tension with paperclips and milk and food coloring.
hands on
Games and books work the best for learning science.
Games, sounds like a fun way to learn science!
hands on
I like to learn via reading articles.