Are There Any Minuses to the SoundPlus?

In a normal tone of voice, I called from downstairs, “Madison”
And when there was no response, I moved to the bottom of the stairs and repeated, “Madison.”
Then partially up the stairs in a much sterner decibel, “Madison!”
With each step that I have to take leading up to her room, I get more frustrated. The next course of action was a text stating simply: “…” When it gets to the point that I’m having to walk all the way to her room or send a text then she knows I’m upset. The other day, I was literally standing at her door and she still couldn’t hear me.
It’s not a unique problem, either. You can repeat this same exercise and insert “Kennedy” in place of “Madison” because it’s a universal issue in our home. There’s nothing wrong with their hearing, they’re just in a zone.
Maybe I’m expecting too much to think my kids will hear me. After all, I’ve armed them with the a variety of headphones to totally tune me out. But the reality is, they shouldn’t be so buried that they cannot hear me even when I yell loud enough that the neighbors can. Noise cancelling headphones may drive me insane as the girls regularly retreat to their rooms to do some of their homework or just decompress with video or music.
There are better solutions and a wireless Bluetooth speaker is one of them. They’ll be able to have it loud enough to enjoy, but not have the sound barrier that prevents them from hearing me call. Plus, if I so choose, I’ll be able to hear what they are listening to so can intervene if isn’t appropriate for their age.
I made the “suggestion” that the girls NOT always use their headphones when they are hibernating in their rooms. Sometimes it will be okay, but around dinner time, they need to be more accessible. Kennedy really likes the Willnorn SoundPlus Bluetooth speaker and has used it while hanging out on her bed and even took it outside with her when she was working on a craft project.
She said the buttons are easy to see and it was easy to connect to her phone. We also liked that the ports are protected by a cover so we don’t have to worry about dust and crud buildup. Among those is a micro USB in addition to a auxiliary jack for a microphone and a slot for a micro USB card.
Streaming Spotify or Apple Music on her iPhone while sitting on the deck working on a craft project was heavenly to her. The music wasn’t distorted even when she cranked it up to drown out the rest of us singing. It’s lightweight enough for her to grab and go from her room to wherever yet durable enough to handle the bumps and bruises that come with being toted around.
The Willnorn SoundPlus Bluetooth speaker is affordably priced at under $40 on Amazon if you’re looking for an alternative to headphones or need a portable speaker for travel or outdoors. For a limited time, you can enter code “AW5EXTBZ” at checkout to grab it for under $28! Visit Willnorn on Facebook or visit their website to see what other products they have that meet your technology needs.
Would I use this as the primary sound system for a party or large gathering? Probably not. The Willnorn SoundPlus speaker is built for on-the-go listening and works well for a small group. It’s perfect for tweens and teens who are heavy digital consumers and just need alternative ways to listen to their mobile devices.
It’s a side bonus that it’s helping me maintain my sanity.
Where would you use a portable speaker?
It doesn’t look very big but sometimes you just need a little boost.
We only have little kids and have the same attention issue, though without the headphones. We also enjoy having music on about the house. Good info.
uh oh, i guess I better prepare!
In my own experience, at a certain age headphones aren’t really necessary for it to be difficult to get children to hear what I’m saying…
Appropriate use of technology is an important lesson.