Glamorous Locks in 3 Seconds
I did it. I committed. Last week when I made my next hair appointment, I told her we’re cutting it much shorter. I love my long hair but I love my curls even more.
Over the years, there’s one thing I heard more than anything else when it comes to my hair. “Is that a perm or is it natural?” I used to hear it all the time when I wore my hair a little shorter because it naturally curled into cute little ringlets. I’m not talking short. I’m talking shoulder length or a little longer. In recent years, I’ve kept it longer but the weight kills the curls. Actually, not only have I lost most of my curls but my hair is generally frizzy if left untreated. I miss my curls. Or at a minimum, I miss the waviness that looked controlled and was the envy of people with straight hair.
The timing of my notification to my hairdresser was interesting. At the same time, I received a few hair tools to try out. Usually, I agree to test these types of products simply because Miss K loves all-things-beauty. Trying out hair care products becomes an opportunity to bond with her. The latest are a few from InStyler – The TULIP Auto Curler and the MAX 2-Way Rotating Iron. In preparation for Spring picture day, I tried using them on Miss K but realized that wasn’t a wise idea. I hadn’t used them yet and therefore wasn’t sure what the results would yield. The last thing I needed was a fashionista (diva) daughter with hair that didn’t turn out exactly like her vision ON PICTURE DAY.
So I decided to start playing with them on my own. The other day, I used the Tulip to get some control of a few of the frizz. Aside from it being really easy to use, I loved the curl. These didn’t look like my normal shorter-hair ringlets. These curls looked glamorous and that’s exactly how they made me feel.
Over the next few days, I messed around with different options. One day, I added leave-in conditioner and the next time curled later in the day about the time I usually throw in the towel and put it up in a pony tail. Each and every time, with product, without product, fresh after showering, later in the day, the results were the same: Long flowing locks of curl. The photo speaks for itself.
I’m sure you’re wondering what makes this different than any other curling iron. Well, I’m used to the same style of iron I used in the 80’s. No, not THE same one. Just the same style. You know, the kind with the clip that you feed your hair through then proceed to spin the iron in hopes that you don’t get the cord all tangled? The kind that you do half of your hair with the iron vertical and the cord on the bottom while the other half of your hair has it inverted.
This iron is different because there’s no manually twirling required. The tourmaline ceramic barrel rotates on it’s own when you press the button. Better yet… there are buttons that allow you to select which way you want it to rotate!
There are multiple options for different hair types, too. In addition to the rotation settings, there are 3 timer settings as well as three heat settings. So set it to your hair type and needs, feed your hair through the slot then press the button. Beep, beep, beep and you’re ready for the next section. Glamorous locks in as little as three seconds. So easy.
While I’m thrilled with the TULIP, Miss K is anxious to use the MAX. It’s a rotating iron with a built in brush. The InStyler Max not only curls but has the ability to straighten and add volume as well. She’ll have a lot of fun once we have a chance to use it! We’ll have to practice with it before she has another big event.
With the ease of the Tulip combined with the speed, I think I have a new love for my hair. Knowing I don’t always have to add product is icing on the cake. Now I need to call my hairdresser back and tell her I’m not cutting my hair!
What is your biggest hair challenge?
I have the exact same hair issues as you! Thanks for the great review, this might be just what I need to tame my slight frizz problem. By the way, your hair looks great! 🙂
We used the Tulip on my daughter’s hair. It did such an amazing job!
I need one of these! I hate the manual use of a regular curling iron. I have straight hair and lately when I want some curl I use a curling wand. Unfortunately I burn myself EVERY single time, it never fails. This would be an awesome product to add to my beauty regimen!
This product looks great for people who wants some ommpff for their hair! Us girls in this house are fully loaded with curls haha!
This seems like an easy way to get a fancy hairstyle. I wish I had naturally curly hair, but since I don’t this works!
I have the exact same hair as you, nothing tames my frizz. Usually when I curl it, it just looks like nicer frizz lol. Ill have to look into one of these, I love when my hair is nicely curled.
I have a similar curling iron and I LOVE it! It’s amazing what a little curl can do to make you feel prettier. Your hair looks very nice.
what a glam look–these are some great styling tools–the curls are so smooth 🙂 my hair is frizzy unless I do something with it too-thanks for the inspiration.
They really make a difference, love how they curl it so perfectly!
Her hair looks gorgeous! I need to get one of these to glam up my look.
This looks like it would really work for me!
What a cool hair tool! I love it! I need something like this for date nights- need to jazz up my hair!
What a great curling iron. I have straight hair and I would love to try it. Thank you for the information.
What a fabulous styling tool. I’ll have to keep this in mind. I think I remember watching an infomercial about this.
I’d say that they are happy with them. I love hair supplies. will have to look at this for my daughter.
WOW – what a difference! Not that the hair looked bad before – but it looks so much more polished! I’ve seen this product before, and I was skeptical – but you’re a REAL person, not an actress or a model, or someone with a stylist with you. You’ve sold me on this, I can’t wait!! Woo-hoo!
Shared this w/ the granddaughters!
I love the instyler curling iron. I am growing my hair out just so I can use it.
Ah, yes – I remember the curling irons from the 80’s! I wonder how it keeps your hair from getting caught in any of the crevices in the device while it twirls!