Holiday Fluxx Card Game Overview


Ok, sometimes we do things a little backwards here at SahmReviews. Back in May we introduced you to Looney Labs and their newest card game, Loonacy. We had never played any games from Looney Labs, but this one quickly became a favorite of our girls. They didn’t care that they didn’t know what the symbols meant (they are all images from all of their previous Fluxx games), the mere fact that they were quick enough to always win over their parents was enough for them.

Fast-forward a couple months and we begin attending a local weekly board game meetup. One of the attendees has a copy of the basic edition of Fluxx, and finding out we’ve never played it, convinces us to give it a try. If you’ve never played before, you’re in for a treat. This is a game where the rules change. Every turn. When you least expect it. And when you don’t want them to.

Fluxx, and all of its variations have the same ruleset. The object is to collect and play “Keeper” cards that represent items that correspond to the game’s “Goal”. Goal cards (of which there is usually only one in play) are cards that tell the players what “Keeper” cards they need to collect to win the game.

Holiday Fluxx is the latest incarnation of the popular Fluxx line of games. Out this month, SahmReviews takes a look at a copy before it hits the shelves! -

Each player is dealt three cards with the starting rule of “Draw one, play one” put in the center of the board. On your turn you simply follow the rules as dictated by what’s showing. When you play a card, you can play a “Keeper” to your bank in front of you, a “Rule” card to change the current set of rules, an “Action” card with instructions on it to follow immediately, or a “Goal” card which sets the winning goal for everyone in the game. As you can guess, you might be close to finishing a goal, only to have the goal change and your “Keeper” cards now become worthless.

Holiday Fluxx is the latest incarnation of the popular Fluxx line of games. Out this month, SahmReviews takes a look at a copy before it hits the shelves! -
Holiday Fluxx is the latest incarnation of the popular Fluxx line of games. Out this month, SahmReviews takes a look at a copy before it hits the shelves! -  Holiday Fluxx is the latest incarnation of the popular Fluxx line of games. Out this month, SahmReviews takes a look at a copy before it hits the shelves! -
Holiday Fluxx is the latest incarnation of the popular Fluxx line of games. Out this month, SahmReviews takes a look at a copy before it hits the shelves! -

But this is a game that makes more sense to show you how to play than to try to explain it. Things can get silly really quickly  – “Draw 5, Play All” as an example. This video is old (and small), but done by the inventor of Fluxx, Mr. Andrew Looney.

Fluxx has enjoyed major success over the past few years, spawning a number of additional sets to fit everyone’s tastes. Aside from the basic version, there is Pirate Fluxx, Zombie Fluxx, Martian Fluxx, Star Fluxx, Oz Fluxx and many more. And now the latest in the series is the family-friendly Holiday Fluxx, on store shelves just this month and just in time for holiday gift buying!

Make no mistake, this is not a 52-card deck of playing cards with alternate rules, this is a custom card set that has a ton of replay value since no game is ever the same. If you’ve been on the fence about trying out Fluxx but didn’t know which version to give your kids, consider Holiday Fluxx for its family-friendly content. Older kids will still prefer the zombie or monster versions, but with all of them coming in at under $15 shipped, you can’t go wrong with any of them.

Although primarily known for their Fluxx series, be sure to check out what other great family games Looney Labs has to offer and be sure to listen in on Facebook and Twitter to hear what is in the works! What the Fluxx are you waiting for?

Holiday Fluxx is the latest incarnation of the popular Fluxx line of games. Out this month, SahmReviews takes a look at a copy before it hits the shelves! -

37 thoughts on “Holiday Fluxx Card Game Overview

  1. OMgoodness! This looks like such a fun game! This is the first I have heard of Looney Labs, and I have got to get this for my stepson! He will love it!

  2. I never heard of this game either but we always play games after Thanksgiving dinner so I may have to grab this one if I see it when I am out. Thanks for the share!

  3. Oh heavens!! This game would be sure to drive me right up the wall! If I bought it and played it with one set of friends (who I might buy it for) I would probably end up in tears!!

  4. This is the first time I have ever heard of Looney Labs or Fluxx. This game sounds like a whole lot of fun. We love finding new games to play together.

  5. This sounds like an awesome family game indeed. I love that the rules change so it is a different game every time. I will have to get the Holiday Fluxx game. Thanks for sharing.

  6. My husband and I love to play card games. Also, when my grand kids come over, we always get out some card game to play together. I’ll check this one out a little further!

  7. I watched some of the video, then did some quick research, and my head is spinning. This would be a fun get together type of game for friends. I love the fact that there are so many variations – Zombie Fluxx, Pirate Flux – you could get years of use out of just two or three decks.

  8. First the title is great.. grabs your attention right off the bat! I have never heard or even seen this game before.. seems like it would be fun for the family!

  9. Since we are doing family game night every week we are in need of some new games. This games sounds like a good one! I am going to show it to my husband and daughters later and see if they want to get it.

  10. I have never played Fluxx before but it sounds like it would be fun to play with the kids. I will have to check this out. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Thank you so much for this review. I’m always looking for smaller things to send to my son-in-law who is on deployment with the Navy, and is rather limited on space. This would be a marvelous game for he and his shipmates to play during their recreational time. I think my daughter would also like a set so I’ll be looking into both the monster and zombie versions as those would make both kids smile.

  12. What a neat little game. Interesting name I must say. We are always looking for new card games, they are a favorite in our house.

  13. I saw the video and I like the game and all the different versions. I like how the rules change at a draw of a card. Something like life’s roller coaster, but you keep on going and have fun!

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