
We have a rule about bedtime. Upstairs by 8, in bed to start relaxing by 8:15 and lights out at 8:30. We adjust that on the weekends by a half hour. While they are welcome to go to bed earlier but that’s not usually what happens. They’re kids… what can we expect? However, once they are upstairs, the process of brushing their teeth and being ready is pretty quick. Sometimes they grab a book to help them with their downtime but lately, they have both been grabbing their drawing books and a pencil. It’s calming and a great way for them to develop those skills.

What kind of mom would I be if I didn’t try to foster that enthusiasm? So that is what I did. I had been asked if I was interested in checking out a learn to draw DVD. Normally, learning DVDs aren’t our favorite. No matter how good they are, we’ve found they are not the best method for our family. The Drawing with Mark DVD series was different. Not only did the photos have a lot of character but the girls were also very interested and engaged in the experience.

Learning to Draw with Mark - Star - SahmReviews.com

The video shared tips and tricks on creating dimension and layout. When I peeked over their shoulder during the process, they informed me that it wasn’t done yet and might not look right because they hadn’t erased the lines yet. They were referring to the reference lines (or whatever they are called) that help ensure everything is proportionate and where it is meant to be.

Learning to Draw with Mark - Star Start - SahmReviews.comI was so amazed by their interest in the details. Too often, they half listen then do their own thing. They focused and followed along for the entire video!

Learning to Draw with Mark - Screen - SahmReviews.com

And the final result was awesome!

Learning to Draw with Mark - Fish Results - SahmReviews.com

Now, here’s the clincher… remember how I said they don’t go to bed early? Like ever. Well, the other night they did. They asked me if I would go upstairs with them a half hour early so we could draw for each other. We each had paper and pencil in hand, sat together on the bed and took turns drawing a requested item for the person next to us. Then we shifted who we drew for. It was great bonding time and allowed me to really see them put some drawing skills to work.

Learning the fundamentals of drawing techniques goes a long way to building confidence in this art. Drawing with Mark, hosted by former Disney Illustrator Mark Marderosian, is a fantastic option. Grab one of his releases from Amazon for under $11!

28 thoughts on “Drawing on the Fundamentals

  1. Wow, they did a great job drawing the fish. My girls love their art class in virtual school. Maddie even got pretty good at drawing faces and eyes. I will have to check this out, the price is definitely right.

  2. this looks really neat!! my kids LOVE to draw things. they are always asking me how to draw stuff and i’m not artistic that way at all

  3. For those looking for a great buy on these DVD’s, The publishing company is offering a special deal on all of them. Normally priced at 14.98, they are on sale for $11.98, BUT if you use coupon code “soundview” at checkout, not only will you get ANOTHER 15% OFF, but you will also get free shipping. So, your final cost will be a mere $10.18.

    Visit http://www.disinfo.com/store and simply search for DRAWING WITH MARK. And don’t forget to use the coupon code to save!!

    1. Thank you very much, Dan, for sharing a discount code for our readers! I’ve edited the post to quote your comment to ensure nobody misses the opportunity to save.

  4. These sound really neat! Ever since my one lesson in sketching Dusty at Disney Toon Studios, I’ve thought it would be fun to learn how to actually draw. I didn’t know they had video lessons, though – something to look into, thanks.

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