It’s Scratchy but I Like It.

I’m one of those people that is perfectly happy getting as wrinkly as a prune. No, I’m not THAT old. Yes, I’m getting older and my hair looks more blonde than red thanks to lots of unplanned grey highlights. When I’m talking wrinkly, I’m referring to an extended stay in the bathtub with nothing but a glass of Kahlua.But since I became a mom, my days of relaxing in the whirlpool tub are few and far between. The kids have claimed it as their swimming pool and are constantly asking if they can relax in my bathtub. And by relax, they mean splash around so much that water ends up everywhere, including the ceiling on one occasion. One, and only one, since I threatened to never let them use my tub again if it happened even one more time. If I want to crawl into my tub without interruption, I need to do it well after they fall asleep.
Things have been extremely hectic lately. When we lost my aunt unexpectedly to a motorcycle accident, things got even more chaotic and depressing. While I’ve been trying to spend more time playing with Miss K, there was one day that I just couldn’t. I wasn’t emotionally up to it. Guess what I did. It wasn’t even half way through the morning and I asked Miss K to relax with me in my tub. With my Noodle and Boo pampering kit in tow, I headed off to rid myself of turmoil.
I lathered my face with the Glowology Sugar Mama Honey Bar and felt encapsulated in the warm suds. I’ve reviewed Dove products on my blog and I’m pretty particular about the soaps that I use. The Glowology Sugar Mama Honey Bar worked great on my skin and didn’t leave that cakey feeling that some soaps do.
What I enjoyed most, however, was the Glowology Sugar Mama Honey Scrub. I coated it on like I do the other sugar scrubs that I use, but was delighted with how quickly it absorbed into my skin. I’ve read on some packaging of other brands of scrub that it can be harmful to your drain. Don’t know why and really don’t care because I don’t use them often enough to really worry about it. But I do know that the Noodle and Boo Glowology Sugar Mama Honey Scrub isn’t one of those because it totally absorbs.
While I was rubbing it on, Miss K asked what it was. I told her it was a kind of soap that makes your skin feel better. When I asked if she wanted to try it, she said “No thank you.” I offered to put it on a small part of her arm and she agreed. She said “It’s scratchy but I like it. Can I have some more over here?” She proceeded to help herself to my Noodle and Boo products until she had hit every surface that I had. When her sister got home later, she boasted about how soft her arms were and “Do you want to feel?” And by the way, she’s asked me several times since then when she gets to use it again. I think I created a monster.
What had started off as a stressful morning ended up being a great bonding experience with my beautiful four year old daughter. It reminded me that sometimes pampering yourself doesn’t take much time and that it’s worth it. Even if you have a little helper with you… and as a mom, we all know how common that is.
I want to thank Noodle and Boo for providing the luxurious products for this review. If you need a little pampering, drop by their site and see what they have to offer for moms, moms-to-be and even baby. Better yet, leave a bookmark and a credit card for hubby and see if he takes the hint. And if you’re looking for a nice shower gift, treat the mom to a special gift for herself. She’ll be ever so thankful.