Are You Finding the Perfect Gift?
It’s that time of year and there are very few people I know who are done with their Christmas shopping. I hear so many people say “I need ideas for (insert name here).” Doesn’t matter if it is a child, a relative, a friend, a neighbor, a coworker or a teacher. Finding the perfect gift is always a challenge. Actually, just finding a gift that they won’t hate is sometimes the biggest challenge.
This year Mom Central put together a Holiday Gift Guide to help combat those shopping woes. What I like about this gift guide is that the products are broken into sections as well as price range. There are seven different guides – Her, Him, Baby/Toddler, Kids, Tweens, Teens and Pets. Within each category, ideas are broken into “Under $50” “Under $100” and “Over $100”.There are a lot of holiday gift guides out there, but the Mom Central guide is very down-to-earth. So many lists are filled with stuff that tends to get re-gifted or never opened and eventually ends up in the yard sale pile. The Mom Central list has realistic items – various video games along with things like gift card packages and Netflix subscriptions. (For someone with an XBox 360, that’s an awesome gift, by the way. Netflix streams movies onto the XBox 360!) It also has practical items and eco-friendly items. The list isn’t overwhelming – it’s easy to navigate and loaded with helpful information. Aren’t sure what exactly an item is? Mom Central not only links to the manufacturer’s website, but they also link to their own review!
As a bonus to their Gift Guide, Mom Central is having some awesome daily giveaways! Register with Mom Central to participate!