Flip-Pix! Card Game Overview
By now you’re thoroughly in the middle of Christmas shopping and hopefully utilizing some suggestions from our various Holiday Gift Guides. Many of the items have in-depth analysis and commentary and are linked to directly in the lists. But with so many new games and toys offered each year, there are always more than a few we can’t examine as well before the shopping deadline. Over the next few days, we’ll be featuring games that we’ve played and enjoyed enough to warrant their inclusion in our recommendations. These full overviews will hopefully sway your opinion on whether they deserve a space underneath your tree.
Flip-Pix! is a brand-new release by AMIGO Games and might remind you of Spot It!, with its similar design and shape. In that version you are simply trying to find the sole matching picture on two different cards. Flip-Pix is quite different, and if I dare say, a lot more challenging.
Inside the circular tin box are fifty-six round two-sided cards and an instruction booklet. (Note – we love to see publishers who allow downloading of replacement rulebooks on their site!) Shuffle the entire deck together, making sure the fronts and backs are facing the same direction. Deal one to the center of the play area, letter side up, and distribute the rest equally among up to six players, picture side up. Any leftover cards are returned to the tin and will not be used.
All people will be playing at the same time. To start a round, flip over the center card, revealing the picture side. Players also flip over their dealt cards in their hands to the letter side and begin looking for a card with a letter that matched the starting letter of one of the pictures. There are no fixed rules about the name of a picture – a football can also just be a ball and a bee could also be an insect.
The person who first finds a match calls out the picture name they’re using and places the matching letter card on top of it. Now all players must flip over their hand and begin searching for a picture that matches one of the starting letters on the played card. The only hard rule is you cannot use the same picture/letter combination back-to-back.
Some of the letters are printed in red. If you match one of these, place an additional card from your hand on top of the card you just played with the same side face up. If someone mistakenly places a card that doesn’t match, they must take it back into their hand and receive one card from each other player as a penalty. The game continues non-stop until one player is out of cards, or it is agreed that no one can play a valid match. The person with the fewest card wins Flip-Pix!
Flip-Pix! appears in this year’s gift guide of non-traditional stocking stuffers due its small footprint and attractive price. Learn even more about this quick card game on the AMIGO Games’ website! Stay tuned to our holiday giveaways – this one is certain to show up as a prize in about a week! If you’re curious about their other children’s and family games, follow AMIGO on Facebook or Instagram. There’s even information about their brand-new game, Excalibohn!
How quickly do you think you can come up with names to match the pictures?
I think I might be faster than the kids at this one!
I’m really interested in this game – it seems like something you could play in other languages as well.