Cave Paintings Drawing Game Overview

I like to think I have a handful of talents. Singing is not one of them. Nor is learning a foreign language. I also can’t cook. They’re trivial and life goes on just fine with me doing the best I can. But there’s one that stood out when the kids were little… drawing. I didn’t have a knack for sketching, but a couple of simple images that I regularly drew on the sidewalk made the girls think I was amazing. As they got older and we started playing drawing games, the truth came out. Whenever we play these types of party games, I savor any time people are able to figure out my drawing! When Dan from R&R Games introduced me to Cave Paintings last year, I thought, “Hey, I can relate!” Rudimentary drawings are a total thing.
Reading the instructions to the game is a hoot since it’s written from the viewpoint of a caveman. While I think it’s hilarious, I’ll refrain from repeating the same language style here. When you are ready to play a game of Cave Drawings, let each player select a color and give them the related drawing bard and 3 card stands. Each player then takes a Me Guess card for each other players’ color. The smartest person is given the scoresheet and you’re almost ready to play.
Cave Paintings takes place over five rounds (or however many you want to play). Each round, all players draw three Ideas cards, each with two words on either side. Select the side you want to work on – for a total of six potential drawings.
Flip the timer, grab the marker like a caveman would (kind of feeling like I’m writing script for a Geiko commercial) and start drawing your six words. There are only a couple of rules. You have to make a fist to hold the marker. Not only can’t you erase, you also cannot use letters, number or symbols. In addition, you must stop as soon as the timer runs out. It’s okay to use arrows though so use those if it helps convey your word.
When the timer runs out, someone yells, “stop” and everyone drops their markers. Now it’s time to start guessing. Hand your drawing sheet to the person on your right. Using the Me Guess card that matches the drawing board you just received, write down what you think the images are. Once everyone is done guessing, pass the boards to the next person and repeat the process until everyone has guessed.
When you receive your own drawing, take turns describing the image as other cavemen share their guesses. For each correct answer, players mark a one next to the answer on their Me Guess card. If at least half of the other players guess correctly, circle the drawing on your board.
For scoring, the first point of the round is awarded to the player who monitored the sand timer and alerted everyone that it was empty. Then everyone tallies how many points they earned from proper guesses. You’ll earn an additional point for each of your drawings that you were able to circle. When you’re done recording scores, discard your idea cards, draw three new ones and start the next round.
You don’t have to be good at drawing to score points in Cave Paintings because you can always earn points during the guessing process. There’s also latitude for guessing close. The examples in the rule book are alligator/crocodile (both would be acceptable for either word) and campfire as a guess for fire. Close enough for points! Check the cave walls where you find games locally, order a copy from Amazon or get one direct from R&R Games. Visit R&R Games on Facebook and Twitter or check out their website to see what else they have on the drawing board!
What do you think of when you hear the word “caveman”?
When I hear caveman, I think of dinosaurs.
When I hear caveman, I think of the cartoon Fred Flintstone. I also think of the cartoons to do with Ice Age. This games sounds fun, but unfortunately, I couldn’t play it with my arthritic hands. Lots of drawing and writing is not for me.
think of the History of man and the movie Quest For Fire .
When I hear the word “caveman” I think of a short hairy man holding a club.
I think of Captain Caveman!
When I think of a caveman I think of a primitive man in animal skins that is still discovering the basics of the world that we accept as common knowledge today
When I think of cavemen, I think of harnessing fire and inventing the wheel.
When I used to think of caveman, I would picture a not so bright hulk of a almost human being. But now, I always think of the paintings in the caves in France and the individuals who created them.
I think of any one of a dozen Far Side comics satirizing our ancestors…..
When I hear caveman, I think of power