Winner – Bratz Kidz Slumber Party Wii Game

There was a fantastic turnout for the giveaway of a Bratz Kidz Slumber Party game for the Wii. Once again, thanks to The Game Factory for providing the prize for this giveaway and to Family Review Network for coordinating it.I would love to win one myself, but it just doesn’t work that way. doesn’t play favorites, especially since I don’t enter my own contest! So… congrats to Maggie Sue Designs who said “On my wish list is Bratz Ponyz for my daughter.”
Meredith of Maggie Sue Designs needs to contact me per the rules in the original post or I’ll have a very happy runner up!Be sure to subscribe to my feed so you don’t miss out on any of my upcoming reviews and giveaways. Some of the giveaways include: customizable Fruit Roll-ups, a Pillsbury pie package, another $10 Build-A-Bear gift card, Pledge Furniture Polish, a Dove package, Vaseline Clinical Therapy lotion and something from
Thanks, Nicole. LUCKY ME! She’ll be very excited to play this game since the few Wii games we have are more geared towards her older brother. My address is on the way to you via e-mail.
Keep on blogging 🙂
~~Meredith aka Maggie Sue
congrats for your win!