Kids Can Set Sail – FREE

Just over 10 years go, DH and I were set for a short cruise. We were looking forward to it because it was something we always wanted to do. We hadn’t been blessed with kids and it would be a nice getaway to take our minds off our everyday professional chaos.
The day before our scheduled departure, my Father-in-Law passed away. A cruise was the furthest thing from our minds and we didn’t have much interest in it for the longest time. It just brought back too many sad memories.
Then the kids came along and a cruise was out of the question. For our 15th anniversary, DH tried to schedule family to watch the kids so we could book a cruise but a week was just too much of a commitment to burden them. We petty much gave up on the idea… until recently.
We’ve realized that if we want to go on a cruise, then the kids need to go with. They are old enough and well behaved so we’ve discussed something kid-friendly or a cruise line that caters to families. Our biggest difficulty, as I’m sure many can relate, has always been the price of two adults plus two kids. Eeks.
The other day I received an email that Norwegian Cruise Line is running a special where kids sail free this fall! Book your trip by today (Yes, today. Sorry. I’ve been on vacation and haven’t been checking all my emails) and the kids don’t set you back a small fortune. At least that is what the email said.
I decided to check it out and see for myself if the kids were really ‘free’ or if the adults fares were just jacked up. We all know how those things work so I wanted to see for myself.
Sure enough, (as an example) the price for a 4-day cruise to the Bahamas on Norwegian Sky is as little as $200 per adult. I know that is an inside room but rooms with a view weren’t much more expensive. And yes, the kids were showing as free.
Is it kid-friendly? When I checked out the website, I read about the new youth programs they set up, including themed events, sports and much more. It is definitely kid-friendly with a different set of activities for older youth!
We hadn’t planned a to book a cruise this Fall so I doubt we’ll be able to do it in time. But for families in the process of trying to schedule something, this is worth researching!
This is a great opportunity for families wanting to travel! Hurry though… You need to book today!
Cruising is our favorite type of vacation by far – we love it!
I would love to take my kids on a cruise. It will probably be a few years before I can take them. 😉