SahmReviews is Going To Gen Con!

By now you know that one of the things we love to write about the most is board games. Partly because the world is in the middle of a board game renaissance thanks to the availability of small-run manufacturers and crowdfunding sites like Kickstarter, but also because it is amazing family time for us and the kids. So much so that we attend a local “Board Game Night” every week in our city. Many a movie and sleepover have been passed on because our girls don’t want to skip it and miss their chance at ‘beating the adults’!
We also love to attend conventions of all types throughout the year, mostly centered around the blogging industry, but also ones that appeal to the whole family. Last year we even got to meet one of our heroes, Stan Lee, at C2E2 in Chicago! This year it was a given that we should combine these two activities – and what better place to do it than at the longest-running, best-attended, gaming convention in the world: Gen Con!
This year around 60,000 of the nation’s most die-hard game fanatics will descend on Indianapolis for four days of 24-hour game playing. Every state in the nation is represented along with 40 other countries from all parts of the world! Last year they had a total turnstile count of over 180,000 (over four days).
In 2013, Mayfair Games set a world record at Gen Con for the largest game of Catan ever played with over 900 participants. This year they are attempting to break their own record by sitting up to 1200 people for one play of Catan dubbed “The Big Game”. 1200 people, one game. Wow…
But this is just one of over 14,000 scheduled events (that’s NOT a typo) ranging from Star Wars tournaments to costume contests to learning to make sushi. And of course we can’t forget the 100’s of game exhibitors each running demonstrations of their latest offerings. If you can’t grasp the level of excitement I have in these words, hopefully the next few days will better express it.
We’ll be posting a LOT of photos and commentary on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and more, so be sure to follow us so you don’t miss a thing! Add my personal Twitter account to your list also since I’m sure I’ll see some things I want to share that won’t make the regular feed. And if you’re going to be there too, let us know so we can stop by and say “Hello!”.
I wanna go to GenCon! :'( Have tons of fun!
GenCon looks really good this year. I’ve been seeing so many people posting pictures of what they have been getting it’s crazy!
Enjoy the GenCon!
Wow it looks like you had an amazing time. I bet you get to check out some neat new games.
That looks like so much fun! I can’t believe the turnout!
60,000 people! WOW.. can you imagine being the coordinator for this event? All of the time and fun that goes into planning.
What a perfect fit! Have a great time, Can’t wait to hear all about it!
Believe it or not I haven’t heard of GenCon. It really does look like a fun time! I am adding it to my list of conferences to attend.
GenCon sounds like an amazing experience! There are definitely a lot of gamers out there nowadays!
Ermiga. I’ve heard wonderful things about GenCon. Special promos, exposure to the new games, lots of fun and frivolity. Try to have fun, despite having to work.
Wow that looks right up my husband’s alley. He is a board game junkie! Looks like a blast!
I have never heard of GenCon, but it sounds pretty amazing. It sounds like something my hubby would have loved in his gamer days.
Wow, that’s a lot of people! …and 1200 playing one game, that’s crazy! This looks like Disney World for gamers!
That looks like a ton of people! I have never heard of this before looks like so much fun to attend!
Liked the article!
And here I thought my family and I loved board games?! This takes it to an entirely new level! Gen Con must be an amazing experience as well as a whole lot of fun!
I’m sure it was lots of fun!
It is new to me but I hope you had a swell time.
I love this article about how to save money and the best board games out there. Indy Gen Con really looks fun but a bit crowded.
Tons of people. That would be really awesome to be there.